腹膜造影ct.ppt PPT.ppt

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腹膜造影ct.ppt PPT

Complications of peritoneal dialysis: evaluation with CT peritoneography. 北大医院腹组早读片 2011.03.09 NTRODUCTION Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (持续性非卧床腹膜透析CAPD) is used to treat endstage renal failure in an increasing number of patients. CAPD has an advantage over hemodialysis in that it allows patients greater freedom to perform daily activities; it also provides other clinical benefits. However, the long-term effectiveness of CAPD is limited by complications, which have various causes. INDICATIONS AND TECHNIQUE 适应症:复发性腹膜炎,透析液交换困难,腹壁或生殖器软组织水肿,腹壁局限性膨出,超滤减少 方法:在CT腹膜造影前,腹腔的透析液要完全引流;1ml/kg非离子型造影剂+ 30ml/kg透析液混匀,缓慢输入腹腔,要求严格无菌操作;患者行走、翻身等活动30分钟后CT扫描;检查完毕将含有造影剂的腹透液置换出来 NORMAL FINDINGS Infected fluid collections. Tuberculous peritonitis Catheter-related Complications Catheter Malposition.—The distal catheter tip should be inserted in a dependent position into the rectovesical pouch (in male patients) or the rectouterine pouch (in female patients). Catheter Kinking. Catheter Entrapment. Catheter Malposition Catheter Kinking Catheter entrapment Dialysate Leakage and Hernias Sudden increases in pressure may lead to the development of hernias and leaks. Dialysate leaks may result in poor drainage of dialysate and significant fluid retention. The most common sites of hernias that occur as complications of CAPD are at the umbilicus, near the peritoneal incision for catheter insertion, and in the inguinal canal.


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