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CELL BIOLOGY 深圳大学生命科学学院 彭勇 实验楼S415 短号:666310 2 Thinking !!! An adult human is composed of about 3X1013 cells, all of which are derived by cell division from a single fertilized egg. A. Assuming that all cells continue to divide (like bacteria in rich media), how many generations of cell divisions would be required to produce 3X1013 cells? B. Human cells in culture divide about once per day. Assuming all cells continue to divide at this rate during development, how long would it take to generate an adult organism. C. Why is it, do you think, that adult human take longer to develop than these calculations might suggest? 3 序 4 课程简介 一、教学学时: 计划学 时数为54 本学期上课周数: 18周 (54 课时) 5 第一章 绪论 第二章 细胞的同一性与多样性 第三章 细胞生物学研究方法 第四章 细胞质膜 第五章 细胞的社会联系(I. 连接) 第六章 细胞的社会联系(Ⅱ.物质的跨膜运输) 第七章 细胞的社会联系(Ⅲ. 细胞信号转导) 第八章 内膜系统与蛋白质分选 第九章 线粒体、叶绿体 第十章 细胞核与染色体 第十一章 核糖体 第十二章 细胞骨架 第十三章 细胞增殖及其调控 第十四章 程序性细胞死亡与细胞衰老 第十五章 细胞分化与基因表达调控 二、课程内容及课时安排 彭勇 (24学时) 苏湘鄂 (24学时) 6 掌握相关的英语专业词 9 1.不迟到,不早退,特殊情况要请假; 2.缺课1/3者,取消考试资格。 3.认真听课,不理解可随时发问; 4.文明听课,上课期间关闭手机; 5.独立完成作业及考卷, 诚信做人; 要求: 10 第一章 绪论 11 Thinking and Answers 1 n =44.77 If cells divided once per day and all cells continued to divide, it would take 45 days to generate the number of cells in an adult human. Obviously we dont become adults in 45 days. An adult human is composed of about 3X1013 cells, all of which are derived by cell division from a single fertilized egg. A. Assuming that all cells continue to divide (like bacteria in rich media), how many generations of cell divisions would be required to produce 3X1013 cells? B. Human cells in culture divide about once per day. Assuming all cells continue to divide at this rate during development, how long would it take to generate an adult organism. C. Why is it, do you think, that adult human take longer to develop than these calculations might suggest? 12 一. 细胞生物学主要研究内容 以细胞为研究对象,从细胞的整体水平、亚显微水平,分子水平三个层次,以动态的观点,研究细胞和细胞器的结构和功能,研究细胞的生活史(细胞增殖、分化、衰老与凋亡)和各种生命活动规律(细胞信号传递、真核细胞基因表


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