基因,蛋白,免疫 课程之蛋白组学 8.doc

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窗体顶端 Nature ? 2000 Nature Publishing Group Volume 407(6800)? ? ? ? ? ? ?7 September 2000? ? ? ? ? ? ?pp 86-90 Cloned pigs produced by nuclear transfer from adult somatic cells [Letters to Nature] Polejaeva, Irina A.*; Chen, Shu-Hung*; Vaught, Todd D.*; Page, Raymond L.*; Mullins, June*; Ball, Suyapa*; Dai, Yifan*; Boone, Jeremy*; Walker, Shawn*; Ayares, David L.*; Colman, Alan?; Campbell, Keith H. S.?? * PPL Therapeutics Incorporated, 1700 Kraft Drive, Blacksburg, Virginia 24060, USA ? PPL Therapeutics, Roslin, Midlothian EH25 9PP, UK ? Present address: University of Nottingham, School of Biosciences, Sutton Bonington, Leicestershire LE12 5RN, UK. Received 12 June; accepted 27 July 2000. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to I.P. (e-mail: ipolejaeva@). Output... Links... Library Holdings History... Outline Abstract Methods Modified NCSU-23 medium Superovulation of donor gilts for collection of oocytes and zygotes Isolation and culture of porcine granulosa cells Activation of oocytes Reconstruction of first nuclear transfer embryo Reconstruction of second nuclear transfer embryo Treatment of recipient sows Microsatellite analysis Acknowledgements Graphics Figure 1 Table 1 Figure 2 Table 2 Abstract Since the first report of live mammals produced by nuclear transfer from a cultured differentiated cell population in 1995 (ref. 1), successful development has been obtained in sheep 2,3, cattle 4, mice 5 and goats 6 using a variety of somatic cell types as nuclear donors. The methodology used for embryo reconstruction in each of these species is essentially similar: diploid donor nuclei have been transplanted into enucleated MII oocytes that are activated on, or after transfer. In sheep 2 and goat 6 preactivated oocytes have also proved successful as cytoplast recipients. The reconstructed embryos are then cultured and selected embryos transferred to surrogate recipients for development to term. In pigs, nuclear tran


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