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Potassium sodium niobate (KNN) and lithium sodium potassium niobate (LNKN) are two other lead-free piezoceramics with piezoelectric coefficients of almost two orders of magnitude larger than natural bone, whose cytotoxicities have been evaluated. The viability of mouse fibroblasts cultured on KNN and LNKN powders for 24h were respectively 84% and 58%, although the value for LNKN could be improved to 72% by adjusting the pH. The slightly higher toxicity of LNKN could be due to the release of Li+ in the media after immersion of the piezoceramic. In another study, rat osteoblasts showed better attachment and proliferation on the negatively charged surface of the poled LNKN porous scaffolds than unpoled scaffolds. In a novel approach, Ciafoni et al. internalized boron nitride nanotubes (BNNT) inside the cytoplasmic vesicles of PC-12 cells and wirelessly agitated the piezoelectric nanotubes by external ultrasound. Their results showed that neurite lengths as well as the number of neurites per differentiated cell were significantly greater in cultures with BNNTs followed by ultrasound agitation. Interestingly, they also observed that blocking calcium channels diminished the response to stimulation, suggesting that electrical stimulation contributes to differentiation through calcium signaling pathways. 压电材料 (Piezoelectric Material) Speaker:Zhangquan Team members: Sihewei and Fengtiantian 压电材料 1、压电现象 压电现象是100多年前居里兄弟研究石英时发现的。压电现象主要发现在晶体分子排列不对称的材料上。 2、压电效应 如果对压电材料施加压力,它便会产生电位差(称之为正压电效应),反之施加电压,则产生机械应力(称为逆压电效应)。如果压力是一种高频震动,则产生的就是高频电流。而高频电信号加在压电陶瓷上时,则产生高频声信号(机械震动),这就是我们平常所说的超声波信号。也就是说,压电陶瓷具有机械能与电能之间的转换和逆转换的功能。 3、压电材料的分类 第一类是无机压电材料,分为压电晶体和压电陶瓷,压电晶体一般是指压电单晶体;压电陶瓷则泛指压电多晶体。压电晶体一般指压电单晶体,是指按晶体空间点阵长程有序生长而成的晶体。这种晶体结构无对称中心,因此具有压电性。压电陶瓷是指用必要成份的原料进行混合、成型、高温烧结,由粉粒之间的固相反应和烧结过程而获得的微细晶粒无规则集合而成的多晶体。这类材料的研制成功,促进了声换能器,压电传感器的各种压电器件性能的改善和提高。 第二类是有机压电材料,又称压电聚合物,如偏聚氟乙烯(PVDF)(薄膜)及其它为代表的其他有机压电(薄膜)材料。这类材料及其材质柔韧,低密度,低阻抗和高压电电压常数(g)等优点为世人瞩目,且发展十分迅速,现在水声超声测量,压


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