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毕 业 设 计(论文) 级 专业 课题名称 高校图书征订系统的设计与实现 学生姓名 学号 同组人员 指导教师 2011年6 月2日 摘 要 高校图书馆的采购工作是图书馆工作的前提和基础,是它的重要组成部分,采购工作水平的高低,直接影响着图书馆整体藏书的质量,同时也直接关系到图书馆为全校师生提供高质量的图书信息服务的能力。 目前高校图书馆的图书采购工作面临着越来越多的困难:图书价格大幅上涨、购书经费有限、图书数量剧增以及出版发行混乱,采访人员受本身知识局限,仅凭个人判断很难采购到令读者满意的图书资源等等。本文针对高校图书馆图书采访工作中面临的困难,在分析高校图书馆性质、任务及采购原则的基础上,分析研究了高校图书征订的现状,总结并设计出了高校图书征订系统,依据“藏是为了用”的原则,将书目信息提供给读者推荐,读者亦可自定义推荐,由系统对所推荐图书按读者的级别进行打分,同时对打分结果依据一定原则进行采选。除对未购图书进行征订,本系统也做出对馆藏图书按需补充复本数的功能。 系统包括四个基本功能模块:读者图书推荐子系统、系统管理子系统、信息录入子系统、信息处理子系统。系统的决策流程分为三步,分别为信息入库、读者推荐图书、决定预购图书。系统采用B/S与C/S混合的结构模式,实现了大量数据的高速传输,提高了系统效率,并且使安全性得到大大提高。 关键词:高校图书馆;图书采购;B/S;C/S;数据库 ABSTRACT Book purehase is an essential part of the base and prerequisite of university libraries.It is specally associated with the quality of book resourees in a library as well as the ability to provide high quality in formation resourees for the teaching,research and study of the teaching staff and students. There exist more and more problems in the purehase of book resourees of university libraries at present.The priees are rising and the funds are limited;ther are more books published and distributions are disordered.Therefore it is diffieult to purehase satisfactory books because of the limited knowledge and personal experience of the purehasing librarians. This thesis aims to solve the problem by analyzing the characteristics,tasks,the purehase prineiples,and the present situation of book purehase of university libraries. On the principle of“Buying for Reading”,the author works out the new purehase system which provides the bibliography to the readers. In this system,readers of different levels could also recommend what they believe necessary and then the system wi11 automatically grade the commendations and make a decision according to some selective principle. Besides this,the system has the funetion to make duplieates of the books that are reserved the library as


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