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* * * * * Students may name other policies, such as: (1) promote free trade or pursue outward-oriented trade policies (2) crack down on corruption or otherwise protect and enforce property rights Based on the discussion in this chapter, it may not be obvious which of the determinants of productivity these policies affect. One could make the case that (1) and (2) affect “A” (boosting economic efficiency) and that (2) also affects K/L. * 超越索洛模型----内生增长理论(endogenous growth theory) 放弃资本收益递减的假设是否合理? 如果K只包括经济中的工厂和设备,那么假设收益递减就是自然而然的。但如果对K做出更广义的解释,即把知识看作一种资本,资本收益不变的假设就是合理的。 超越索洛模型----内生增长理论(endogenous growth theory) 经济增长源泉的核算(不考虑技术进步) 经济增长源泉的核算(不考虑技术进步) 经济增长源泉的核算(考虑技术进步) 经济增长源泉的核算(考虑技术进步) 作业 选择你感兴趣的两个国家:一个富国一个穷国。每个国家的人均收入是多少?找一些可能有助于解释收入差别的国家特征的数据:投资率、人口增长率、受教育程度等。你将如何推断这些因素中哪些是造成收入差距的最重要的因素? 提示:世界银行网站WWW.. * * * * * * * * Source: World Development Indicators, World Bank, and my calculations. GDP per capita is in PPP$. “Growth rate” is the average annual growth rate of real GDP per capita (local currency), computed as {ln(2009 value)?ln(1970 value)}/39 This table is similar to Table 1 in the textbook. There are two differences. First, the set of countries is slightly different. I have excluded Mexico and the U.K. because they (and data on their GDP per capita) were featured in the photos. I have excluded Germany because unification there makes earlier data not comparable with recent data, and thus complicates the calculation of the growth rate. Other countries from Table 1 excluded here are Brazil, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The table on this slide includes the following countries, which do not appear in Table 1: Singapore, Spain (I wanted at least one country from Europe), Israel (it’s in the news often), Saudi Arabia (I wanted at least one OPEC country), Colombia (they make good coffee, plus I wanted a couple countries from S. America), New Zealand (Oceania’s representative here), the Philippines, Rwanda and C


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