临床药物手册( 英文原版)10.pdf

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临床药物手册( 英文原版)10

Respiratory Drugs Antiasthmatics Class Instructions. Antiasthmatic Inhalers. (Aerosols) Remove inhaler cap and hold inhaler upright. Shake inhaler. Tilt your head back and breathe out slowly. To position inhaler, open your mouth with the inhaler 1 to 2 inches away or in your mouth. (For young children and corticosteroid inhalers, use a spacer or hold- ing chamber.) Press down on inhaler to release medication as you start to breathe slowly. Breathe slowly for 3 to 5 seconds. Hold your breath for 10 seconds to allow the medication to reach deep into the lungs. Repeat as directed. (Dry Pow- der) Close your mouth tightly around the mouthpiece and inhale rapidly. Hold the device horizontally (parallel to the ground) after it has been activated. Do not ex- hale into the device. Do not exceed the prescribed dosage. Report if symptoms do not completely clear or the inhaler is required more than prescribed. Clean the mouthpiece weekly with hot water and soap. Store away from heat and direct sunlight. Bronchodila- tors can cause nervousness, tremors (especially with terbutaline or albuterol), or rapid heart rate. Report if these effects continue after dosage reduction; if chest pain, dizziness, or headache occur; or if asthmatic symptoms are not relieved. Missed Doses. Take missed doses as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular sched- ule. Do not double doses. ALBUTEROL SULFATE Proventil, Ventolin, Volmax, Various Pharmacology. Albuterol is a selective 2-adrenergic agonist that produces bron- chodilation, vasodilation, uterine relaxation, skeletal muscle stimulation, periph- eral vasodilation, and tachycardia.1 Administration and Adult Dosage. Inhal for asthma (metered-dose inh


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