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扬 州 大 学 本 科 生 毕 业 论 文 (物理科学与技术学院) 课 题:数字温度传感器的温度巡回测量系统 作 者: 学 号: 专 业: 电子信息科学与技术 指导教师: 二零零四年五月二十日 数字温度传感器的温度巡回测量系统 摘要: 本论文采用美国DALLAS公司最新推出的DS18B20单线程数字温度传感器,应用单片机控制D S 1 8 B 2 0巡回检测温度,将温度数据传给PC机处理。DS18B20能够直接读出被测量温度并且可根据实际要求通过简单的编程实现9门位的数字值读数方式,可以分别在93.75ms 和750 ms内将温度值转化9位和12位的数字量,使用DS18B20比传统的以热敏电阻等为敏感元件的温度传感器的系统结构更加简单,可靠性更高。该系统具有实用性强、可靠性高的特点。 本文不仅仅是一篇介绍新型温度传感器的文章,而且介绍了一种新的温度测量方法,利用单片机AT89C52和DS18B20组成的测温系统,具体介绍了数字温度传感器的温度巡回测量系统。 关键词: DS18B20温度检测,温度巡回检测、 Measuring Temperature With New Type Of Data Temperature Sensor ABSTRACT:This thesis adopts DS18B20 form thread digital temperature sensor that U.S.A. DALLAS Company introduced newly, use the one-chip computer to control D S 18 B 2 0 and measure temperature touringly, pass the temperature data to the PC to deal with. DS18B20 can is it measure temperature and can according to is it pass simple programming 9 realization - digital value reading way , door of location to demand actually to read directly, can transform the figure amount of 9 and 12 of temperature value on 93.75ms and 750 ms separately , it is simpler to use the systematic structure of DS18B20 sensor of temperature taking thermal resistor ,etc. as sensitive more element than the traditional one, dependability is higher. This system has the characteristics that practicability is strong, dependability is high. Accomplishment of Measuring Temperature With New Type Of Temperature Sensor Not only is a new type of temperature sensor DS18B20 introduced ,but also a new method both using a circuit with AT89C52 and covering frame work of software is propose in this paper KEYWORD: digital temperature sensor DS18B20 Measuring Temperature With New Type Of Data Temperature Sensor 目 录 一、引言 …………………………………………………………………………4 二、设计原理 …………………………………………………………………………5 三、硬件设计 …………………………………………………………………………8 四、软件设计 …………………………………………………………………………14 五、结束语 ………………………………………………………………………………21 六、参考文献 …………………………………………………………………………21


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