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诚 信 声 明 本人郑重声明: 所呈交的毕业项目报告/论文《方便面中铅含量的测定与研究》是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立研究、写作的成果。论文中所引用是他人的无论以何种方式发布的文字、研究成果,均在论文中以明确方式标明。 本声明的法律结果由本人独自承担。 作者签名: 年 月 日 方便面中铅含量的测定与研究 摘 要:铅是一种具有蓄积性、多亲和性的元素。铅的毒性作用可以影响机体的许多功能。长期低浓度接触可以引起食欲不振、口有金属味、失眠、头疼、头昏、肌肉关节酸痛、腹痛、贫血等。不是人体必须的微量元素,方便面中的铅主要是通过原料污染和生产工艺、容器、包装、储存和运输等环节污染,很早以前世界卫生组织即把铅确定为食品污染物而加以控制,人体摄入0.04g的铅就会引起急性中毒。铅中毒具有蓄积性,持久性,不可逆转。因此,加强食品检测防止铅中毒十分必要,从而获得快速,灵敏,准确的检测方法尤其重要。该法参考国家标准检测方法GB/T5009.12-2003石墨炉原子吸收光谱法,采用湿法消化对样品消解后,测定方便面中的铅并对其分析程序以及仪器测定进行改进。 关键词:方便面 石墨 原子吸收光谱法 铅含量 : Lead is an element of accumulation and multiple affinity. The toxic effects of lead can affect a lot of bodys functions. Long term exposure to low concentration of lead can cause loss of appetite, insomnia, metallic taste mouth, dizziness, headache, muscle, joint aches, abdominal pain, anemia and so on. Lead is not an essential trace element in human body. Lead in instant noodle comes from the raw materials and production process such as pollution of container, packaging, storage and transportation links. Long ago The world World Health Organization identified lead as food contaminants. Intaking 0.04g lead can cause human acute poisoning. Lead poisoning is accumulation, persistence, irreversible. Therefore, strengthen the food inspection to prevent lead poisoning is very necessary, thereby obtaining rapid, sensitive, accurate detection method is especially important. This study refers to the national standard detection method for GB / T5009.12-2003 graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. We use wet digestion meathod to digest the sample and the improved analysis of procedures and equipment to determine of lead in instant noodles. Key Words: instant noodles; graphite atomic absorption spectrometry; lead content 目 录 第一章 绪论 3 1.1前言 3 1.2我国方便面的现状 4 1.2.1我国方便面生产现状 4 1.2.2我国方便面市场前景与发展趋势 4 1.2.3我国方便面的主要种类 5 1.3方便面中有害物质的介绍 6 1.3.1重金属 6 1.3.2油脂 7 1.3.3磷酸盐 7 1.3.4过氧脂质 8 1.4方便面中有害物质的检测


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