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   分 类 号:单位代码:——以“head”和“头、首”为例 姓 名        学 号    A Brief Analysis of the Differences and Similarities of Polysemy in Chinese and English ——Taking “Head” and “头、首” for Example A Thesis Submitted to Foreign Languages School of Linyi University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Art October, 2016 Acknowledgments I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers and friends who have offered me all kinds of help in accomplishing this thesis. First of all, I am extremely indebted to Lu Jianru, my supervisor, whose constant encouragement and illuminating guidance have motivated me at various stages of development of this thesis. I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to the teachers in Foreign Languages School of Linyi University, to whom I owe much of my knowledge in linguistics, literature and academic writing during my four-year study. They are Wang Xiaojun, Jiang Zhaozi and Han Miaomiao. Without their earnest teaching and invaluable lectures during the past four years, the completion of this thesis would have been unimaginable. In addition, I am also grateful to my classmates, who have offered assistance and support during my graduate students. Abstract The English word “head” and Chinese word “头、首”, as basic human words, are equal polysemy. From the perspective of metaphor and metonymy, taking “head” and “头、首” for example, after referring to a large number data, this thesis makes an comparison in two aspects, the entity function and the language function. By contrast, we can discover that English and Chinese word derivations have some similarities in cognitive respects and some differences in social culture and the denominal verbs aspects. These differences can be explained respectively from the perspective of cognition, culture and language. The author proposes four kinds of po


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