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兰州工业学院 毕业设计(论文) 题目 锤片式秸秆粉碎机设计 系 别 机电工程学院 专 业 机械设计与制造 班 级 机设11-1班 姓 名 学 号 指导教师(职称) 日 期 2014.03.10 摘 要 随着经济和社会的发展,生物质秸秆资源大量过剩,作为燃料直接燃烧,热效率低;就地焚烧,又造成严重的环境污染和资源浪费。因此,研究生物质能转换技术,将丰富的农林废弃物资源转换为优质燃料,变废为宝,是保护生态环境,促进农业可持续发展的重要课题。由于大部分生物质原料在开发利用前期都需要进行粉碎加工处理,以便进一步加工利用。因此,粉碎加工技术已越来越受到人们的重视。 目前多种锤片式和盘片式粉碎机在农业生产中,已经得到广泛的应用,而且应用操作简单方便,但是这两种机型在性能上各有不同。为此,本设计将锤片式和盘片式优点性能结合,设计出了性能优良的的粉碎机。本次毕业设计所做主要工作如下: 1、了解了与粉碎机相关的知识;熟悉粉碎机粉碎原理,调查了国内外应用性能现状与市场前景。 2、通过查阅资料、市场调研确定了多功能粉碎机相关的总体方案。 3、完成了详细的设计说明书及答辩材料。 关键词:粉碎机;锤片式;设计 ABSTRACT Along with the development of economy and society,biomass straw resource over pluses in a large mounts.If using for direct combustionusing,its thermal efficiency is very low.Farmers on-site burning caused severe environmental pollution and the waste of resources.Therefore,the study for converting the rich wasted forestry resources into higIl-quality fuel,protected the ecological environment and promoted the sustainable development of agriculture,is an important topic.In order to further processing,the most biomass materials need crushing processing before the development and utilization.So,comminution technology has been paid more and more attention. Present a variety of hammer and disc mill in agricultural production, has been widely used, and application of simple operation, the two models in performance on the application in different ways. To this end, the design will hammer and disc-style performance advantages combined with excellent performance designed mill. The main work done by graduate design and conclusions are as follows: 1.to understand and mill-related knowledge; familiar with the principles of jet milling,investigating a domestic situation and market prospects of application performance. 2through access to information, market research to determine the overall multi-function mill-related programs. 3.completed a detailed design specification and


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