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可转让信用证若干问题研究 摘 要 可转让信用证( Transferable L/C)是一种形式比较特殊的信用证,它广泛应用于中间贸易中,对于推广进出口贸易,促进国际贸易的发展,有着其它信用证不可代替的作用。近年来,随着国际贸易的发展,中间贸易逐渐兴起,使得可转让信用证大量被使用。特别是近年来我国对外贸易的发展,信用证转让的业务正在不断增加,而且转让的范围也已由过去主要是国内总公司与分公司的转让向跨国家、跨地区的转让。但是,我国外贸企业中能正确使用可转让信用证的并不多,不少外贸公司因处理不当蒙受巨大损失,有的只得退而规定业务中不准使用可转让信用证,从而失去了不少贸易良机。 因此,本文根据有关信用证的国际惯例及我国对外贸易的实践,对可转让信用证含义、性质、主要当事人的法律关系及其所面临的风险和UCP600中关于可转让信用证的新变化进行了分析与研究,揭示了可转让信用证使用过程中存在的风险根源,如开证行与第一受益人的资信风险、转让行资格确认的风险、第二受益人面临中间商的换单风险等,本文分别从信用风险和操作风险两个角度进行了论述,把风险的防范作为本文写作的重点,对可转让信用证的主要当事人在事前的风险预防、过程中的风险控制、事后的风险补救中各自应采取的措施进行了探究,希望其得到更好的推广和使用,充分发挥它在中间贸易中的作用,促进我国对外贸易的发展。 关 键 词:可转让信用证,风险,UCP600,防范 SOME PROBLEMS OF TRANSFERABLE LETTER OF CREDIT ABSTRACT Transferable letter of credit (Transferable L / C) is a rather special form of letters of credit, which is widely used in the middle of trade in the promotion of foreign trade, promote development of international trade, with other letters of credit can not be replaced effect. In recent years, with the development of international trade, the gradual rise of the middle of trade makes a lot of transferable letter of credit in use. Especially in recent years the development of Chinas foreign trade, credit transfer business is growing, and the transfer of scope from the past, mainly from the home office and branch transfer to the cross-country and inter-regional transfer. However, Chinas foreign trade enterprises in the proper use is not transferable letter of credit than a few foreign companies have suffered huge losses due to improper handling, some companies are not allowed to use the provisions of the business transfer credit, thus losing a lot of trade opportunities. So,according to the relevant L/C international practices and the practice of Chinas foreign trade,this paper mainly analyzes and studies the transferable credit’s main meaning, nature and the legal relation and the risks of UCP600 and about the new changes of transferred credit, then reveals the risks in the process of use transferable credit, such as cr


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