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本科学生毕业论文 哈尔滨龙运物流园区功能 后评价研究 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 二○一二年六月 The Graduation Thesis for Bachelors Degree Research of Harbin LongYun Logistics Park the function of post evaluation Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2012-06·Harbin 摘 要 龙运物流园区功能后评价是一种事后评价,是对龙运物流园区项目的前期决策、规划过程、建设过程、运营过程等全过程、各阶段工作的评价。本文选取了其中一个方面,对投入运营后的物流园区运营过程中功能进行全面的分析、评价,旨在从已投入运营的物流园区中吸取教训,为龙运物流园区可持续发展做出科学合理的决策,从而提高管理水平和投资效益。龙运物流园区功能后评价须通过一系列的指标计算和分析来完成。从目前研究工作主要内容看,对龙运物流园区功能后评价的理论和著作较少。但是后评价的理论己发展很成熟,在铁路、住宅、医院、学校等领域得到普遍应用,这对于指导物流园区功能后评价工作具有重要的现实意义。本文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,从园区功能后评价的特点及必要性、后评价理论基础入手、运用粗糙集理论、对指标进行筛选确定、然后选择数据包络分析和模糊综合评价方法进行指标评价。 关键词:物流园区 功能 后评价 运用粗糙集理论 数据包络分析 模糊综合评价 ABSTRACT Longyun Logistics Park function evaluation is an evaluation after the event, the Longyun logistic park project early days decision-making, planning process, construction process, operation process, and so the whole process of each stage work evaluation. This paper selects one aspect, to put into operation after the logistics park operating the function in the process to conduct a comprehensive analysis, evaluation, to have been put into operation of the logistics park to learn, as the Longyun logistic park sustainable development and make scientific decision, so as to improve the management level and investment benefit. Longyun Logistics Park function evaluation must pass a series of index calculation and analysis to complete the. From the current research work the main content, the Longyun logistic park function evaluation theory and works less. But after the evaluation theory has been the development of mature, in the railway, housing, hospitals, schools and other fields are widely used, it can guide logistics park function effect after the evaluation has important practical significance. This paper summarizes the results of previous studies, from the park function after evaluation of the features and necessity, after evaluation of theoretical basis, using rough set theory, the index selection, and then select data envelopment an


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