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摘 要 目前,国内大部分住宅的室内污染状况堪忧。各种新型建筑材料、装修材料、日用化学品进入住宅成为室内污染源; 由于以上种种原因,所以在自然通风不能满足需要的时候,往往可以通过机械通风方式来改善室内的热环境和空气品质。本课题所研究的的室内环境调节系统充分利用室外环境条件,通过对建筑物室内温度、湿度等的测量、比较、优化,进而控制送风设备、排风设备和除湿机的状态,配合并联动空调的运行,达到智能调节建筑物室内环境的目的,以此改善室内空气品质。 本系统采用层次化、模块化设计。整个系统由数据采集系统和单片机控制系统组成。系统以单片机AT89S52为核心,以Pt100温度传感器、Hs1101湿度传感器和8455风速传感器等作为测量元件,通过单片机与传感器相连,采集并存储传感器的测量数据。在单片机系统中,还要实现数据的实时显示、超限报警和数据辅助存储功能。 关键词:通风系统;单片机;温湿度;传感器 ABSTRACT At present,most of the domestic indoor pollution situations are worth anxious. Various new building materials,decoration materials and commodity of chemical enter into indoor environment and become sources of pollution. For all above these reasons,Usually,we improve the indoor hot environment and the air quality through the machine ventilation when the natural ventilation can’t meet the needs. The indoor environment regulating system on which this paper study belongs to the area of technology. It is a full use of the outdoor environmental conditions through the survey、comparison、optimization of building indoor outside temperature,humidity, and so on, and then control ventilation equipments、the window and window curtain and air-condition. By this process, the system can achieve the purpose of regulating building indoor environment intellectually and improve the indoor air quality. This system uses the hierarchization and modular design,the whole system is composed by the data acquisition system, the MCU control system and the computer supervisory system. The system takes the MCU89C52as core,Pt100 temperature、Hs1100humidityandwind velocity sensors as a measuring device,capture and store the sensor data through the connection between MCU and sensors. In MCU system,we have to realize the data real time display、warning when beyond the limited pronunciation and the data supplementary storage function Keywords:a system of ventilation;MCU;emperature-humidity coupling;ensor 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 引言 1 1.1 课题研究的背景及目的 1 1.2 国内发展状况 1 1.3 室内机械通风调节方法 2 1.4 本文的主要任务 4 第2


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