
Unit 09 信用证 商务信函的写作 PPT 外贸函电.ppt

Unit 09 信用证 商务信函的写作 PPT 外贸函电.ppt

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Unit 09 信用证 商务信函的写作 PPT 外贸函电

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Unit 9 Letter of Credit 信用证 9.1 Introduction(简介) 目的:掌握如何申请开立信用证、或对信用证进行修改、延期及相关的回复。 信用证(Letter of Credit)是国际贸易中最常用的支付方式,不仅适用于个别交易,也适用于系列交易。信用证的开证程序始于进口方。进口方通知开证行(Issuing Bank)开立以出口方为受益人(Beneficiary)的信用证。信用证包含进出口双方达成交易的详细内容。信用证开出后,由开证行将信用证寄给出口方所在地的通知行(Notifying Bank)。接到信用证后,银行和出口方会对信用证进行审核。根据审核无误的信用证,出口方就可备货装运。装运后,出口方就可以缮制符合信用证要求的单据,再据此向议付行(Negotiation Bank)交单议付,取得货款。 9.2 Writing Skills(写作技巧) 催证信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式: 写作步骤 表达方式 (1)提醒买方我方货已备妥待运或交货期已临近,但尚未收到相关信用证 In regard to 25 000 yards of cotton prints under the Sales Confirmation No.789, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching, but up to now we have not received your relative letter of credit.(我们提醒你方注意,789号售货确认书项下25 000码印花布的交货期已临近,但我方至今尚未收到相关信用证。) (2)向对方说明需及时开立信用证的原因(或重要性) We wish to remind you that it was agreed when placing the order, that you would establish the required L/C upon receipt of our Confirmation.(我方提醒你方注意,订货时双方约定,一接到我方确认书,你方就开立信用证。) (3)请对方 尽快开证 As the goods have been ready for shipment for quite some time, it behooves you to take immediate action, particularly since we cannot think of any valid reason for further delaying the opening of the credit.(货已备妥多日,你方应立即开证,我们不知道贵方有何合理理由迟迟不开证。) 改证或信用证展期信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式: 写作步骤 表达方式 (1)告诉对方已收到信用证 We wish to acknowledge receipt of the L/C No.3450 for the amount of USD5 000 covering your Order No.987.(你方987号订单项下金额5 000美元的3450号信用证已收到。) (2)指出信用证与合同不符而需修改的地(说明需要展期的原因) We find that the following two points do not conform to the contract.(我方认为条款中有下列两点与合同不符。) In connection with shipment, we are very sorry to advise that the goods cannot be ready before the end of May, because of delay of our manufactures.(关于装运问题,我方深表歉意,由于厂商的延误,该货无法在5月底妥。) (3) 希望对方给予合作 Your prompt attention to the matter will be much appreciated.(请尽快办理,不胜感激。) We are confident that you will give us cooperation by extending the


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