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  A 辑第 18 卷第 6 期 Ser. A , Vol. 18 ,No. 6       水 动 力 学 研 究 与 进 展           2003 年 11 月                Nov. , 2003 J OURNAL OF HYDROD YNAM ICS    文章编号 (2003) 滑动轴承非线性油膜力的几个 理论问题及应用 郑铁生 ,   张文 ,   马建敏 ,   杨树华 (复旦大学力学与工程科学系 ,上海 200433) 摘  要 :  本文把流体润滑 Reynolds 方程在 Reynolds 边界条件下的解转化为自由边值问题 ,并进而对此自由边值问题等 价变分原理进行了系统的归类和证明 ,为滑动轴承非稳态非线性油膜力的理论研究和寻求其解析或半解析解的方法提供了 多渠道的理论依据和应用途径 ,对于旋转机械的非线性动力分析有重要意义。作为应用提出了一个求解椭圆轴承非稳态非 线性油膜力的高精度半解析公式。 关  键  词 :  滑动轴承 ; 自由边值问题;变分原理 ;变分不等方程 中图分类号:  TH133. 31 ,O176    文献标识码 :A Some theoretical problems on the nonlinear oilf ilm forces of sliding bearing and their applications ZHEN G Tiesheng ,   ZHAN G Wen , MA Jianmin ,   YAN G Shuhua (Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science , Fudan University , Shanghai 200433 , China) Abstract :  The solution of the Reynolds equation under Reynolds boundary conditions for the fluid lubrications is translated to a free boundary problem. The equivalent variational principles of this free boundary problem are categorized and proved. By means of these variational principles , the unsteady nonlinear forces of sliding bearings can be analyzed theoretically , and then the related analyt ical or semianalytical solutions might be found dependently. These works have important significance for the nonlinear dynamical analysis of turbine mechanism. Finally , as an application , a high precision semianalytical formulation of the un


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