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FM FM FMPh t nics 300mW单频光纤激光器研制成功 An efficient compact 300 mW narrow-linewidth single frequency fiber laser at 1.5 mm Abstract: An efficient single frequency fiber laser by using a newly-developed Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped single mode phosphate glass fiber with the net gain coefficient of 5.2 dB/cm and propagation loss coefficient of 0.04 dB/cm has been demonstrated. Over 300 mW stable continuous -wave single transverse and longitudinal mode seed lasering at 1.5 m has been achieved from a 2 .0 cm-long active fiber. The measured slope efficiency and the calculated quantum efficiency of laser emission are found to be 30.9% and 0.938 0.081, respectively. It is found that the linewidth of the fiber laser is less than 2 kHz, and the measured relative intensity noise (RIN) is around - 120 dB/Hz in the frequency range of 50 to 500 kHz. 2009 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: ( 140.3510) Laser s, fiber ; (060.2280) Fiber design and fabrication; (060.2410) Fibers, erbium 1. Introduction Single frequency fiber laser has been the subj ect of intense research in the last two decades for applications, such as high resolution sensing, coherent telecommunication, optical frequency domain reflectometry, and as a seed laser for LIDAR [1-3]. Of these short resonance cavity configuration, such as distributed Bragg reflector (DBR), is beneficial to single frequency laser emission for mode-hop free, narrower linewidth, lower noise, and all in a compact all- fiber design [4-8]. Recently, Spiegelberg et al have reported DBR laser emission around 1550 nm in Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped phosphate glass fibers [7, 8]. Single frequency laser with the output power of over 200 mW and the linewidth of 2 kHz has been achieved from a 2-cm-length ph


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