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This is our finance manager/HR manager/factory manager/production manager, polly. She is good experienced. This is my english teacher, she is from yunnan. Produce---production---product Housewife I have been working for 17 years. I have been working for package, comsentrict, produce juice and sales manager. My boys go aboard to study. My wife and I travel around the country. My work down向下 up sit down. Stand up downstairs upstairs download upload sour 味道的归纳 sweet/bitter/spicy/salty/crispy/slimy/tough/tender/strong/weak/greasy salt sauce vinegar oil My mouth is burning嘴都麻了 Sushi寿司[‘su:?i:] roast烤肉宫保鸡丁kung pao chicken 锅贴Pan-fried Dumpling油条Deep-fried Dough[d?u] Stick soybean milk 豆浆 生面团 双元音[?u] 口形变化: 舌头从[?]的位置滑到 [u]的位置,在接近[u]时停止,从自然变为饱满,第一个音发长一些,第二个音短而弱:“欧” 发音组合: o-most open oa-road coat ou-soul shoulder ow-low slow swallow swallow willow widow window 燕子停在柳树上,寡妇站在窗户边 Words expressions shoulder [‘??uld?] n. 肩膀 v. 肩负,承担 vt. 承担,肩负,用肩推 Too much work has been placed on his shoulders. 加在他身上的工作太多了 The manager was ready to shoulder the blame. 经理愿意承担过失。 He shouldered the door open. 他用肩把门顶开。 bowl 碗---餐具归纳 coffee pot 咖啡壶 coffee cup 咖啡杯 paper towel 纸巾 napkin 餐巾 [n?pkin] table cloth 桌布 tea -pot 茶壶 tea set 茶具 tea tray 茶盘 ? [trei] caddy 茶罐 [‘k?di] dish 碟 plate 盘 saucer 小碟子[s?:s?] rice bowl 饭碗 chopsticks 筷子 soup spoon 汤匙 knife 餐刀 cup 杯子 glass 玻璃杯 scoop [sku:p]铲子 mug 马克杯 picnic lunch 便当 fruit plate 水果盘 toothpick 牙签 双元音[i?] 口形变化: 舌头从[i]的位置滑到 [?]的位置,在接近[?]时停止,口形由小而扁平变为略开:”一尔” 常见发音组合: e-hero[‘hi?r?u]英雄 series [si?ri:z] 连续,系列 ea-area[‘e?ri?] 地区,区域,面积,方面 idea [aidi?]主意,想法,观念: good idea! you have no idea how I worry about you eer- deer[di?]鹿 beer[bi?] 啤酒 peer[pi?] n. 同辈,匹敌,贵族 v. 凝视,窥视 ere- here [hi?]这里: come here ★注意区别---there[e??]在那里


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