初一英语上学期Unit6 go for it.ppt

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初一英语上学期Unit6 go for it

Food Survey food Likes it Doesn’t like it tomatoes Liu Li Lisa Step6 Make up a new dialogue. S have learned a lot about the food in this unit, let them try making up a dialogue. Whether their dialogues are good or not so good, T must give them an example, and they will read and learn it. From 《New Concept English》 At the butcher’s A: Can I help you, Mrs Bird? B: Yes, please. I want some beef. A: This lamb is very good. B: I like lamb, but my daughter doesn’t . A: What about some steak? This is a nice peace. B: Give me that piece, please. A: And do you want a chicken, Mrs Bird? They’re very nice. B: No, thank you. My daughter likes steak, but she doesn’t like chicken. A: To tell you the truth, Mrs Bird, I don’t like chicken, either. blue favorite color eggs,tomatoes,bananas favorite food A basketball player job two sons and a daughter family 41 age Michael Jordan name Step7 Homework 1.Have a food survey in your family. 2.根据Michael Jordan 的个人小档案,写一篇短文。 * Unit6 Do you like bananas? Unit6 Do you like bananas? Star Period One I. Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge aims: (1) words: like banana hamburger broccoli orange salad strawberry ice cream French fries ... (2) useful expressions: Do you like…?/Yes, I do./No, I don’t. 2. Skill aims: Talk about the names of the food by using “Do you like…?” 3. Moral aims: Enjoy food, enjoy life. II. Key points:1. The names of the food 2. Do you like…?/Yes, I do./No, I don’t. III. Difficult points: It’s not very easy to master so many new words. IV. Teaching procedure: Step 1 Show a picture of the fridge, let the S guess the food in it. T: What’s this? S: It’s a fridge(冰箱). T: There are many delicious food in it, can you guess? S1: Apple. S2: Orange. S3: Milk. … T: Maybe. Let’s


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