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用于供暖的洁净型煤生命周期评价方法框架研究 随着中国经济持续增长和环境要求的日趋严格, 市场对能源的需求不断增加。然而中国“贫油少气6个阶段:煤炭开采阶段、型煤生产阶段、交通运输阶段、锅炉燃烧阶段以及尾气和废弃物治理阶段。 图1 洁净型煤LCA的研究范围 对洁净型煤产品的清单分析,主要是分析从煤炭开采到供暖使用的生命周期各个阶段的输入、输出,输入主要有煤生产过程中所消耗的水、电等能源,输出为向环境释放的污染物,如CO2、SO2、废水、烟尘、固废等。本研究划分为以下几个清单:煤炭开采生产/投入释放清单、型煤生产投入/释放清单、型煤运输投入/释放清单、型煤使用投入/释放清单、型煤废渣、废气处理投入/释放清单。 影响评价阶段根据采暖用煤的生命周期全过程向环境释放的污染物及其对环境的影响,可以分为5 种类型环境影响潜值进行评估:全球变暖、光化学烟雾、酸雨、烟尘及灰尘、固体废弃物,并估算各类型环境影响潜值,对数据进行标准化、确定权重以加权平均,计算环境环境影响负荷。 结合清单分析和影响评价分析,最终形成对洁净型煤产品生命周期评价的研究发现,提出结论,并报告解释结果。 因此,洁净型煤产品的生命周期评价方法框架可归纳如下: 图2 洁净型煤LCA的研究框架 Research on Method Frame of LCA for clean briquette used in heating The study chooses clean briquette to conduct a methodology research, which purpose is analyzing the impact to environment from coal mining and briquette producing, to combusting for heating. The life cycle of clean briquette can be divided into six periods: coal mining, briquette producing, transportation, combusting for heating and waste treatment. Clean briquette’s inventory analysis focused on the input and output in all six periods. Input contains the water and power in the mining and producing, while output includes the pollutant released into environment, such as CO2, SO2, waste water, dust and solid waste. This study gives the frame of following inventories: coal mining and producing Input/Output Inventory, briquette producing Input/Output Inventory, briquette transportation Input/Output Inventory, briquette combustion Input/Output Inventory, and briquette waste Input/Output Inventory. Impact analysis can be assorted as five type of environmental impact potential estimation, according to the pollutants released in the briquette’s life cycle and its impact to environment: Global warming, photochemical smog, acid rain, soot and dust, solid waste. Furthermore, the values of all five impact potential are estimated and standardized. The weights are confirmed and the values are averaged by weights. Finally the environmental impact loads are given. Combining inventory analysis and


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