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GUIDE TO THE QUANTIFICATION OF MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY 测量不确定度的计算指南 本教材编著权属于个人,请勿擅改, 删节,翻印,或网传 RON CHEN Classified - Internal use WHAT IS UNCERTAINTY? 什么是不确定度? Uncertainty is a parameter, associated with the result of a measurement that characterises the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand*. 不确定度是与测量结果相关联的参数,它表征可 以合理地归属于被测量*数据的离散性。 *The measurand is the particular quantity of interest that is to be determined through the process of measurement. *被测量是待通过测量过程确定的特定的量值。 Classified - Internal use 2 WHAT IS UNCERTAINTY? 什么是不确定度? In general, the result of a measurement is only an approximation of the value of the measurand and thus is complete only when accompanied by a statement of the uncertainty of that estimate.” 通常,一个测量结果衹是 “近似值”,一个完整 的测量结果必须附带不确定度。 What does statements like “the accuracy is 2 meters” mean? 您会怎样解释 “准确度为2米”这一表述? 是平均偏差/标准偏差为 (SD=1)? 是最大偏差 (SD=3)? 置信水平为95%(扩展因子=2)? Is it a mean error/standard error (1) Is it a maximum error (3)? Is it a 95 % confidence interval (2)? Classified - Internal use 3 UNCERTAINTY ASSOCIATED WITH ALL MEASUREMENTS 任何测量均包含不确定度 Even with our best All mebasurements professional contain limitations practice we have in precision with uncertainty in our respect to measurements “True Value” relative to the


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