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康馨介绍 康馨选用无公害果品金丝小枣、葛根提取物、枸杞提取物为原料,采用现代先进制备工艺,提取枣环核苷酸成分,制成富含活性物质—调节内分泌因子的一种滋补性饮品。本品中每100克含环磷酸腺苷≥8mg。 规格:20ML/10瓶/盒 价格:188元 康馨作用 内分泌系统的经典概念是指一群特殊化的细胞组成的内分泌腺(endocrine gland)。它们包括垂体、甲状腺、甲状旁腺、肾上腺、性腺、胰岛、胸腺及松果体等。这些腺体分泌高效能的有机化学物质(激素),经过血液循环而传递化学信息到其靶细胞、靶组织或靶器官,发挥兴奋或抑制作用。激素也称内分泌为第一信使。 当人体随着年龄的增长,体内内分泌系统将会出现分泌不足及功能紊乱,同时第二信使环磷酸腺苷也会逐渐减少,造成内分泌失调,然后引起一系列身体功能障碍。 康馨调节内分泌因子可以全面调节内分泌系统,并通过补充环磷酸腺苷调节由于缺少第二信使的传递引起的一系列身体功能障碍。 康馨适宜人群 更年期燥热、烦闷、眩晕、心悸等人群 乏力、容易疲劳、免疫力低下人群 抗衰老人群 内分泌失调人群 康馨用法用量 保健量:每天一次,每次一瓶加200ML以上温开水稀释摇均后饮用或用牛奶、粥稀释10倍摇均后饮用。 治疗量:每天二次,每次一瓶加200ML以上温开水稀释摇均后饮用或用牛奶、粥稀释10倍摇均后饮用。 cAMP关于“脑功能”的临床研究(英国“自然”杂志) leep deprivation impairs cAMP signalling in the hippocampus Christopher G. Vecsey1,2, George S. Baillie3, Devan Jaganath2, Robbert Havekes2, Andrew Daniels2, Mathieu Wimmer1,2, Ted Huang1,2, Kim M. Brown3, Xiang-Yao Li4, Giannina Descalzi4, Susan S. Kim4, Tao Chen4, Yu-Ze Shang4, Min Zhuo4, Miles D. Houslay3 Ted Abel2 1 Neuroscience Graduate Group, 2 Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA 3 Neuroscience and Molecular Pharmacology, Wolfson and Davidson Buildings, Faculty of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK 4 Department of Physiology, University of Toronto, 1 Kings College Circle, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A8, Canada Correspondence to: Ted Abel2 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to T.A. Millions of people regularly obtain insufficient sleep1. Given the effect of sleep deprivation on our lives, understanding the cellular and molecular pathways affected by sleep deprivation is clearly of social and clinical importance. One of the major effects of sleep deprivation on the brain is to produce memory deficits in learning models that are dependent on the hippocampus2, 3, 4, 5. Here we have identified a molecular mechanism by which brief sleep deprivation alters hippocampal function. Sleep deprivation selectively impaired 3, 5-cyclic AMP (cAMP)- and protein kinase A


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