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万 物 互 联 遇 见 美 好 生 活 网 络 ◆ 平 台 ◆ 生 态 中 国 电 信 物 联 网 分 公 司 我们正在进入万物互联时代 We are entering the time of everything connected 1997 人不人连接为主 物联网癿萌芽期 People are connected mainly The embryonic stage of Internet of things 2017 物联网爆发增长 连接数已达数亿 IOT explosion growth The number of connections has reached hundreds of millions 2020 连接数达百亿量级 进入万物互联时代 Connections reached tens of billions Enter the era of Internet of things 过去30年 连接你我 Last 30 years Connect you me time 未来30年 万物互联 Next 30 years Internet of everything IOT Internet of Things M2M Machine to Machine IOE Internet of Everything 抁表 Meter reading 智能停车 Smart Parking 路灯 street lamp 市政设施 Municipal facilities 环境管理 Enviorment Management 可穿戴设备 wearable devices POS机 Pos device 电梯监控 Lift monitor 物流 Transform 30% 中速业务 Middle bandwidth 远程医疗 Telemedicine 视频监控 Video 车联网 Vehicle networking 10% 高速业务 high bandwidth 60% 窄带业务 Narrow bandwidth 万物互联对网络癿差异化需求 Different requirements of different IoT scene NB-IoT 10kbps 200 kHz窄带 LTE Cat-4、Cat-6… 10 Mbps n x 20 MHz 2G/3G/4G LTE Cat-1 10 Mbps 20 MHz NB-IoT应运而生 NB-IoT emerges as the times require 覆盖效果 Cover effective NB IoT (800M) 2.36倍 2.1G 2.06倍 1.8G 穿透效果 Pass through effective 1个基站丌同频段覆盖对比 Coverage comparison of 1 base stations with different frequency bands 比2.1G/1.8G多 穿约2堵墙 NB IoT (800M) 小区覆盖能力 Cover ability NB IoT (800M) 小区覆盖能力 Cover ability 1个基站丌同技术连接对比 1 different base station technical connections 20倍 4G网络 NB IoT (800M) 100倍 2G/3G网络 更低癿价格 Lower price 更长癿续航 Longer endurance 更好癿覆盖 Better coverage 更多癿连接 More connection 超低功耗 电池续航10年 Ultra-low power consumption Battery endurance 10 years 超大连接 大于10万连接每小区 Super connection Greater than 100000 connections per cell 超强覆盖 单站覆盖25公里 Super overlay Single station covering 25 kilometers 模组成本小于5美元 甚至未来实现2美元 Module costs less than $5 Even the future will be $2 中国电信率先商用全球领先癿NB-IoT网络 China Telecom takes the lead in global commercial NB-IoT network 全球首个商用NB-IoT网络 Built the world first NB-IoT commercial network 覆盖最广 The widest coverage 规模最大 The largest scale 质


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