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2010,39(4):74-78. Subtropical Plant Science 巴戟天研究现状与展望(综述) 1 2 2 林美珍 ,郑 松 ,田惠桥 (1.漳州卫生职业学院 药学系,福建 漳州 363000 ;2.厦门大学 生命科学学院,福建 厦门 361005) 摘 要:巴戟天是我国四大南药之一,其主要成分有:糖类、蒽醌类、环烯醚萜苷类、有机酸类、微量元素、 氨基酸和甾醇类等,具有补肾壮阳、强筋健骨、祛风湿、固精髓等功效。本文综述巴戟天的生药鉴定、化学成 分、药理作用、抗病性、繁殖方式等 5 方面的研究现状,并展望建立巴戟天愈伤组织再生体系,应用现代生物 技术进一步开展其品种改良、遗传转化、多倍体诱导、细胞悬浮培养提取次生代谢物等方面的发展前景。 关键词:巴戟天;生药鉴定;化学成分;药理作用;抗病性;繁殖方式 Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-7791.2010.04.019 中图分类号:Q949.95 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-7791(2010)04-0074-05 Study Situation and Prospects of the Research on Morinda officinalis 1 2 2 LIN Mei-zhen , ZHENG Song , TIAN Hui-qiao (1.Department of Pharmacy, Zhangzhou Health Vocational College, Zhangzhou 363000, Fujian China; 2.School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, Fujian China) Abstract:Radix Morindae officinalis is one of the famous traditional Chinese medicine. Its major chemical constituents include carbohydrate, anthraquinones, iridoid glycosides, organic acids, trace element, amino acid and sterols, etc. It has the efficacy of invigorating kidney, strengthening muscle and bone, treating rheumatism, consolidating physical strength and so on. The overview on pharmacognostic identification, chemical composition, pharmacological action, disease resistance and modes of reproduction of Radix Morindae officinalis was presented in this paper. Also, the construction of callus regeneration system and the application of modern biotechnology on breed improvement, genetic transformation, polyploidy induction, cell suspension culture to extrac


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