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11 6 Vol. 11 No. 6 2003 12 Optics and Precision Engineering Dec. 2003 1004924X(2003) 0606470 1 1 2 2 李 刚 , 孙连春 , 于兆波 , 王亚男 ( 1. 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所, 吉林 长春 130033; 2. 山 省济宁市育才中学, 山 济宁272000) : , , YAG , ; , : 光学薄膜; 偏振效应; 位相延迟; 琼斯算法; 角立方棱镜 : O484.4 :A Polarization effects in optical thin films 1 1 2 2 LI Gang , SUN Lianchun , YU Zhaobo , WANG Yanan ( 1. Changchun Institute of Op tics , Fine Mechanics and Physics , Chinese A cademy of Sciences, Changchun 130033, China; 2. Yucai High Middle S chool of ining City , ining 272000, China) Abstract: Optical thin film at nonnormal incidence is equivalent to a combination of a dichroic linear polar ization and a retarder, and it can be described in Jones calculus. This feature can be used to cancel the un w anted polarization effect in an optical system, and to fabricate phase retarders. The polarization character istics of the cornercube prism for YAG laser are analyzed, and tw o kinds of optical thin films are designed to compensate its polarization properties. T he phase shift of a dielectric media HR film is then analyzed and optimized to obtain a dielectric media polarizationpreserved HR film. Key words: optical thin film; polarization effects; phase retarder; Jones calculus; cornercube prism , ( 1) , ( - ) 0180, 1 引 言 S P RS RP TS TP , ; ( 2) (T IR) , R = R =


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