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2005, 18( 4) : 393~ 397 Forest Research : 2005) 1 1 1 2 2 2 李正红, 周朝鸿 , 谷 勇 , 刘富泰, 和金福 , 李福强 ( 1 , 650224; 2, 673100) : , 9 : V V V , , , 7 5 6 ; V V V 3 , , ; V V V 3 10 3 2 8 1 9 , , V V , , , , , 1 9 2( ) , : ; ; ; : S7593 : A Grain Yield and Adaptability of Caj anus caj an New Varieties 1 1 1 2 2 2 LI Zhenghong , ZHOU Chaohong , GU Yong , LI U Futai , HE Jinf u , LI Fuqiang ( 1Resea ch Inst itute of Resou ces Insects, CAF, Kunming 650224, Yunnan, China; 2. Fo est Bu eau of Nujiang, Liuku 673100,Yunnan, China) Abstract: 9 new va ieties of Caj anus caj an we e tested at Yuanjiang County, Lushui County and Yunxian County, Yunnan p ov ince,w ith a local va iety as CK.The g ain yield and adaptability of the va ieties we e analyzed.V , V and V w e e the most desi 7 5 6 able va iet ies fo thei good stability, low va iat ion and obviously highe seed yield than the CK.V , V , and V p oduced highe 10 3 2 g ain yield and highe va iation than that of the CK, thei elease should be on suitable envi onment.The g ain yield of V , V , and


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