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第 27 卷第 1 期 Vol.27 No.1 工 程 力 学 2010 年 1 月 Jan. 2010 ENGINEERING MECHANICS 233 文章编号:1000-4750(2010)01-0233-07 深海系泊系统模态分析 1 * 1 2 唐友刚 , 张若瑜 ,庄 茁 (1. 天津大学建筑工程学院,天津 300072 ;2. 清华大学航天航空学院,北京 100084) 摘 要:该文考虑深水系缆的拉伸和弯曲变形,取正交坐标和切向量描述任意结点的 6 个广义位移,考虑缆变形 的几何非线性和水动力影响,基于细长杆理论推导缆索的单元刚度矩阵,得到1212 的非线性刚度矩阵,实现了 该文单元与有限元软件的调用对接。针对水深 318m 的 Spar 平台,四根缆定位,计算了系泊系统固有频率和模态 以及系泊缆群的张力响应。计算结果表明:该文单元刚度矩阵能够反映深海系泊缆的动力响应特性。 关键词:Spar 平台;细长杆理论;几何非线性;系泊系统;固有模态 中图分类号:TU311.3 文献标识码:A MODAL ANALYSIS OF MOORING SYSTEM IN DEEP SEA 1 * 1 2 TANG You-gang , ZHANG Ruo-yu , ZHUANG Zhuo (1. School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 2. School of Aerospace, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China) Abstract: Considering the extension and bending deformation of cable in deep sea, the 6 generalized displacements of nodes is described by rectangular coordinates and their tangent vectors. The 1212nonlinear stiffness matrix is obtained based on the rod theory considering the geometric nonlinearity and the effect of water dynamic. The element can be called by general finite element software. A spar platform with 4 mooring cables in 318m depth is analyzed, the modes and natural frequencies of the mooring system are calculated and the tension response of cable system is obtained. The result shows that the dynamics properties of mooring cable in deep sea can be modeled with user defined element 。 Key words: spar platform; rod theory; geometric nonlinearity; mooring system; natural modes 系泊系统是Spar平台的重要组成部分。目前, 和弹性刚度等物理参数,可用于计算动张力。 系泊系统模型主要有 3 种分析:悬链线模型、集中


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