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海 南 大 学 毕 业 论 文(设计) 题 目:非对称信息条件下大学生就业行为研究 学 号: 016 姓 名: 尹 路____ 年 级: 2008 级 学 院: 经济与管理学院_______ 系 别: 农林经济与信息管理系 专 业: 信息管理与信息系统 指导教师: 张 晖___________ 完成日期: 2012 年 4月 25日 摘 要 1999年,我国大学扩招后,大学生就业难问题已经是一个不争的现象,且可能越来越难的趋势。国际经济形式连遭打击,一方面和中国经济结构体制和教育改革落后,更和当今大学生的就业观滞后关。据统计,2011年全国高校毕业生将超过640万,这些高校学子的就业问题成为社会和学校关注的焦点。新的一年中,在求职大军中,如何脱颖而出,找到一条适合自己的职业道路,是每个毕业生都思考的问题。在能力结构上,大学毕业生的就业能力并不是基于职业路径的需要进行建构与培养,难以满足人力资源市场的需求。用人单位的需求模式发生了显著的变化随着我国经济体制改革的深入劳动力市场的结构性变化。用人单位的劳动力需求行为基于“职位分析下的任职资格模型”在劳动力市场上通过价格机制选用合适的人才 关键词:扩招;教育改革;大学毕业生;用人单位;价格机制; Abstract 1999, with Chinas university enrollment and new universities springing up, college students each year to the student employment difficulty is an indisputable social phenomenon, and there may be increasingly difficult. Since 2008, the international economic form suffered a blow to the Graduate Employment worse. This regard with the Chinese economic structure system and the education reform behind inseparable, more closely related and the employment outlook of todays college students lag. According to conservative statistics, the 2011 college graduates will be more than 6.4 million college students employment issues become the focus of attention of the society and the school.In the new year in the job force his way through the single-plank bridge, how to make themselves stand out, to find a suitable career path, each graduate should think about. Ability to structure, the employ-ability of university graduates of tertiary institutions is not based on the needs of the career path construction and culture, making it difficult to meet the needs of the employer human resources market. The employers demand pattern of significant change is the inevitable result With the deepening of Chinas economic reform led to structural changes in the labor market. The behaviour


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