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2. The Structure of the Teaching Material Paragraph 1 is mainly about “what did they see at the parking lot after they arrived there by bike?” Paragraph 2 is mainly about “What did they do after they parked their bikes ?” Paragraph 3 is mainly about “How did Darren feel before and after he found his friends?” 3. Teaching Aims and Demands Knowledge goals 1)To master the new words : tour, space, passage , step ,push , direction , notice ,sight, huge, beside, sadly ,etc. 2)To master the phrases: be out of sight , be surprised at , etc. 3)To master adverbial clauses of time . 3. Teaching Aims and Demands Ability goals Continue to improve the students’ abilities of listening , speaking, reading and writing , especially the reading skills. To train the students’ abilities of retelling the story To enable the students to understand the passage with adverbial clauses of time. 3. Teaching Aims and Demands Sensibilities goals To enable the students to take an active part in different kinds of English activities in class . To cultivate the students’ attitudes of loving traveling ,exploring and sports. * * * 上杭溪口中学 吴连英 Teaching Material Teaching Methods Learning methods Teaching procedures Summary homework. Analysis of the Teaching Material 1.Status and function 2. The Structure of the Teaching Material 3. Teaching Aims and Demands 4.Teaching emphasis and difficulty 1.Status and function The passage of 1a is mainly about adverbial clauses of time . It’s very important because it is the grammar focus of this topic . It’s also one of the contents that is included in the grammar items of the book “ENGLISH COURSE STANDARD”. It’s also the basic for the students who want to study in the senior high school . 4.Teaching emphasis and difficulty Teaching emphasis: All the new words especially the black words of this passage . The phrases of this passage . Adverbial Clauses of time. The training of the students’ reading skills. Teaching difficult


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