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What happened? Fill in the chart and make a report: I. Analysis of the teaching material. 说教材 II. Analysis of the students’ situation 说学生 III. Analysis of the teaching methods 说教法 IV. Analysis of the learning methods 说学法 V. Analysis of teaching process   说教学过程 VI. Blackboard design 板书设计 The knowledge-learning target(知识目标): ① before, after, when, while, as, as soon as, not...until, adverbial clauses of time. ② The use of some new words. The abilities-cultivating target(能力目标): ① Improve the Ss’ abilities from listening and speaking to reading and writing. ② Help the Ss to get information from the passage by skimming and get more reading skills. The moral-penetrating target(情感目标): ① Establish the Ss’ right consciousness of tour(旅游意识). ② Establish the Ss’ patriotism (爱国主义)when learning more about Chinese history. Step 5:Proficient Reading (熟读) 1) Match the names with the boys. 2) Put the adjective in right orders Purpose: 1) Improve the Ss’ abilities of reading . 2) Help the students to understand the text better. 3) Foster a sense of cooperation.(合作意识) Purpose: 1) Review the words and make it easier to understand the text . 2) Check their last period’s homework. 3) Improve their abilities of speaking and listening . Purpose: 1) Improve their ability of listening 2) Lead in the passage 3)Cheer up the Ss Purpose: 1) Improve the ability of listening 2) Help the Ss catch the main meaning from skimming. 3) Improve the Ss’ abilities of reading. Step 5. Proficient Reading (熟读) 1)match the names with the boys. Kangkang Michael Darren Kangkang Michael Darren Step 6:Intensive Reading (精读) 1) Fill in the forms with the right forms of the words. _________ → _________→ _________→ _________→ _________→_________ excited surprised happy frightened sad happy again ① After they arrived at the Ming Tombs, they felt_________. ② After they parked their bikes, they walked into Dingling and wer


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