英语阅读能力提升Chapter 1 Speed Reading-1.ppt

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英语阅读能力提升Chapter 1 Speed Reading-1

Chapter 1 Speed Reading Ⅰ. Visual reading two bad habits Vocalization Inner speech Suggestion Reading is a visual process. Read with your eyes only, not with any part of your mouth or vocal apparatus. Words can be, and should be, understood without “saying” them in your mind. Exercise 1 Now read the following passage quickly, and with your eyes only. Then do the exercise. I had applied for and obtained the job on Friday, received a day’s training on Saturday, and now, on Sunday, as I was about to take out an ice-cream van for the first time on my own, I was horrified to see snow starting to fall. The streets and roads were swiftly blanketed. As I left home after breakfast, I shivered inwardly as well as outwardly: I was gloomy at the thought that not for me this Sunday morning was the leisurely reading of the Sunday papers to the accomplishment of extra cups of tea. I would have given much to have been able to call off the whole thing. But I needed the job; and I had to pay the tuition which was due the next month. 1. The author was most probably _______. A. an iceman B. a high school boy C. a college student D. an experienced driver 2. What would the author usually do on Sunday mornings before he worked as an ice-cream man? A. Selling ice-cream. B. Reading newspapers. C. Listening to music. D. Drinking. 3. When the author started his work with the ice-cream van, he had certain ______. A. Regrets B. doubts C. Fears D. hopes Exercise 2 Someone said to a man, “Travel and see the world.” He answered, “Why should I? People are the same everywhere. They are born. They are babies. They are children. They are adults. They grow old. They die. While they are alive, they have the same emotions. They feel love and hate, happiness and sadness, security and fear, pride and shame, comfort and discomfort. That is why I do not want to travel. I can learn everything here. I’m going to stay home.” The man was right. He was also wrong. People are the s


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