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论文化的民族性及民族文化的继承与发展 公共事业管理专业学生 陈恬 指导老师 周辉国 摘要:不同民族为人类奉献着具有不同的民族特色的文化,呈现出文化的民族性。民族文化是历史的继承、稳定与发展的统一。继承与发展民族文化首先是对本民族文化的“取其精华、弃其糟粕”的继承, 在继承中汲取养分,在发展中有所创新;其次是借鉴其他民族的优秀文化,“洋为中用”, 任何一个民族的文化存在与发展都不可能是完全封闭、与世隔绝的,只能在与世界各民族文化的交流中取长补短,保持、维护和彰显本民族文化的民族性。弘扬本民族优秀文化,同时加强各民族文化间的交流,是世界文化向前发展的重要途径。 关键词: 民族性;民族文化 ;继承;发展  Talk about National Characteristic and Inheriting and Development of National Culture of Culture Student majoring in Public Administration CHEN Tian Tutor ZHOU Huiguo Abstract: Different nationalities are devoting the culture with different national characters for the mankind, demonstrate the national characteristic of culture. National culture is that history is inheritted , steady and developmental unity. It is the inheritting of selecting the essence , abandonning its dross to this national culture at first to inherit and develop national culture, draw nutrients in inheritting, innovate to some extent in developing; Secondly draw lessons from other national outstanding culture, make foreign things serve china , the culture of any nationality can not be totally sealed, shut off oneself from society while existing and developing, can only in learn from others strong points to offset ones weaknesses in the exchange , various nationalities of culture with world , keep , maintain and reflect copies of national national characteristic of culture. Carry forward this outstanding culture of nationality, strengthen the exchange among various nationalities culture at the same time , it is the important way that the world culture develops forward. Key words: National characteristic ;National culture ;Inherit;Development 不同民族为人类奉献着具有不同的民族特色的文化,呈现出文化的民族性。民族文化的发展是一个历史的连续体,任何文化都是在既有传统文化基础上产生和发展的。世界的每个民族都有独自的生活地域,在不同的地域生活的不同的民族各自沿着本民族的历史道路发展,创造着具有本民族特色的文化。如何界定“文化的民族性”?民族性“是指特定民族在生活实践中(包括物质生产和精神生产的活动),和他民族的差别。”[1](P3)从内涵上看,文化的民族性“是相对于其他民族来说的,是该民族文化不同于其他民族文化的特征。”“每个民族的文化都有着不同于其他民族文化的特点,这就是文化的民族性。” [2](P37)从外延上看,所谓文化的民族性就是一个民族的生活特色、风俗习惯、情感素质、审美方式、思想内容、语言思维等心理结构在文化中的综


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