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王令作文笔记 1。结构。语言。求证过程 最重要 2。理由段中要举实例 理由段间要有联系 3。语言:地道 准确 丰富 (习惯用语要准确,语法不好是阅读问题 He said he will come tomorrow是对的 句型要多变) 结构:完整 紧密并有利于烘托主题 (总分总 理由段间有联系) 篇幅:足够长 字迹工整 卷面整齐 (大于350) 词语活用和修辞手段(加分重点):使用准确 地点得当 表现多样 (第一段看语言 第二段看求证过程 第三段看全文结构和语言 所以尽量使用在第一 、第二(第一理由段)和结论段中 ) 注意事项 1。无须标题 2。机考:要求手写 强调重要性。 唯一的主观题部分 尽量多记笔记 回家复习 HB的自动铅笔 好橡皮 判分方法 对出来的 考的是学术语言-议论文 结构统一 词句统一 例文 Topic: Some intensive English programs in the United States offer a foreign student the option of living with as American family while he or she is studying abord.Many students feel that such a home-stay program is a valuable part of their total learning waperience.However, others may feel that such a plan offers little value.In a short essay, discuss one or two advantages of living with an American family and then state one or two disadvantages. Tell whether you are in favor of or opposed to the idea of home-stay.Give examples to support your opinion. A foreign student who plans to come to the United States must have some difinite foals in mind. For the student who wants to improve his English quickly and learn about American sustoms firsthand, there is often an opportunity to liv ewith an American family.There may be one or two disadvantages to this living arrangement;however, I believe that there are four more advantages.The reasons for my view go as follows. 第一段 三要:1。第一句话一定是对作文题目的改写 2。鲜明的表明观点 3。用一句话引起下文 三不要:1。不要太简单(60。70字以上) 迂回一点,可以用套话(见各个模板) 2。不要过于复杂,前后搭配合理(都是议论的) 3。不要把理由写在第一段中 First of all, some minor disadvantages to living with an American family include both a lack of privacy and little opportunity to have independence.For instance, the foreign student may find that the family expexts him to join them in group activities such as watching television and going on picnics.At times,however, he might enjoy staying in his room to read or to write letters to his family and friends.And other drawback to living in an Am


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