
1431919 张旭东 期末作业.docx

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1431919 张旭东 期末作业

Final Written AssignmentMy Research PaperStudent Name: Zhang xudong(张旭东)Student Number:1431919Supervisor: Chen yonggui(陈永贵)Major: Geological Engineering(地质工程)Institute: College of Civil Engineering(土木工程学院)Cell phone: -mail: 815272652@ Spring, 2015My Photo (本人照片) 双语版Subject(研究方向):英语:Bentonite汉语:膨润土Topic(话题):英语:The microstructure of bentonite汉语:膨润土的微观结构Research Question (主要研究问题):英语:What do we know about the microstructure of bentonite and the relationwithmacro-behaviors?汉语:我们对膨润土微观结构及其对宏观行为的影响有哪些了解?Sub-question 1(分问题):英语:How many approaches we have to investigate the microstructure of bentonite and what are their superiorities respectively?汉语:研究膨润土微观结构有哪些方法和它们各自的优缺点?Sub-question 2英语:How to use the microstructure to explain the macro-behaviors of bentonite?汉语:怎么使用微观机理来解释宏观现象Sub-question 3 英语:Is there any bottleneck at present and where to go汉语:现今研究有没有瓶颈,又该去向何方?WORKING / HYPO Thesis(论题):英语:I don’t know if there is some hypothesis in review. If it is my thoughts, I want to discuss where to go. First, it requires development of technology and more accuracy results is needed. We also should draw support from other subjects, such as mechanic, math.Quantification of microstructures is important for The establishment of a standard or specification.汉语:综述我不知道有没有假设?假如是结论的话,我希望提出对未来的想法。首先离不开技术的发展,更精确的图像或结果是需要的;理论亟需发展,恰如流体力学完美的结合了数值方法,土的微观可能可以借助力学等等的工具;对微观结构的描述需要量化,以期能建立标准或规范;等等。WOKING Title(题目):英语: Microstructure of bentonite and the relation with macro-behaviors: a review汉语:膨润土的微观结构及其与宏观行为的耦合,综述WORKING Abstract(摘要):英语:Bentonite hadbeing got people’s attention for nearly 30-year as engineered barriers of high activity nuclear waste, and the study about the microstructure of bentonite havealso get great development. The intention of this paper is to recall the endeavor of predecessors about the microstructure of bentonite and arrange them for further research. In this paper, we would like to identify, appraise, select and


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