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1_【2010 J Mater Sci Mater Electron】Mg-doped LCO 4.5V
J Mater Sci: Mater Electron (2010) 21:827–832
DOI 10.1007/s10854-009-0002-5
Effect of Mg doping on the properties of combustion synthesized
LiCoO2 powders
S. Valanarasu • R. Chandramohan • J. Thirumalai •
T. A. Vijayan • S. R. Srikumar • T. Mahalingam
Received: 24 April 2009 / Accepted: 19 October 2009 / Published online: 1 November 2009
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
Abstract The LiCo Mg O (x = 0–0.1) cathode mate- 1 Introduction
1-x x 2
rials for rechargeable lithium ion batteries were synthe-
sized by starch assisted combustion route method. The LiCoO2 is the most widely used cathode material for
structural characterization was carried out by X-ray powder lithium ion batteries. It has a theoretical capacity of
diffraction and Laser Raman Spectroscopy. The sample *270 mAhg-1 but practically only 120–160 mAhg-1
exhibited a well-defined rhombohedral structure and the could be realized because of the fact that only 0.5 mole of
lattice parameters varied with the increasing magnesium lithium is extractable from one mole of LiCoO2 in the
contents. Surface morphology of the synthesized materials voltage range 2.8–4.2 V [ 1–6]. In an attempt to extract
was determined by Scanning electron microscope. The more lithium per mole of LiCoO2 by applying higher
cathode materials consist of highly-ordered single crystal- voltages ( *4.8 V), the layered rhombohedral structure
line particles with spherical shape. The electrical resistiv- with Li–Co–O stacking in the order AB CA BC gives
ities of the samples were studied by Hall Effect. Electrical way to the monoclinic form with the stacking patt
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