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ADI ADE7816精密多路电表解决方案 开发板 白皮书 样片申请 原器件配套 视频培训 在线座谈 交流讨论 ADI公司的ADE7816是精密的多路(六个电流通路,一个电压通路)电表集成电路,可以测量线路电压和电流,计算有功和无功能量以及瞬态rms电压和电流.器件集成了7个sigma-delta (Σ-Δ) ADC和高精度能量测量内核,动态范围1000:1时的精度误差小于0.1%,支持电流变压器和Rogowski线圈传感器,工作带宽2kHz,所有六个通路都能测量角度.工作电压3.3V.本文介绍了ADE7816主要特性,功能方框图, 测试电路图, 信号流程框图, 有功和无功功率信号流程框图,以及ADE7816评估板主要特性和电路图. The ADE7816 is a highly accurate, multichannel metering device that is capable of measuring one voltage channel and up to six current channels. It measures line voltage and current and calculates active and reactive energy, as well as instantaneous rms voltage and current. The device incorporates seven sigma-delta (Σ-Δ) ADCs with a high accuracy energy measurement core. The six current input channels allow multiple loads to be measured simultaneously. The voltage channel and the six current channels each have a complete signal path allowing for a full range of measurements. Each input channel supports a flexible gain stage and is suitable for use with current transformers (CTs). Six on-chip digital integrators facilitate the use of the Rogowski coil sensors. The ADE7816 provides access to on-chip meter registers via either the SPI or I2C interface. A dedicated high speed interface, the high speed data capture (HSDC) port, can be used in conjunction with I2C to provide access to real-time ADC output information. A full range of power quality information, such as overcurrent, overvoltage, peak, and sag detection, is accessible via the two external interrupt pins, and IRQ0 IRQ1. The ADE7816 energy metering IC operates from a 3.3 V supply voltage and is available in a 40-lead LFCSP that is Pb free and RoHS compliant. ADE7816主要特性: Measures active and reactive energy, sampled waveforms, and current and voltage rms 6 current input channels and 1 voltage channel 0.1% error in active and reactive energy over a dynamic range of 1000:1 Supports current transformer and Rogowski coil sensors Provides instantaneous current and voltage readings



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