外研版初中英语Module10 The weather unit3 language in use 学案.doc

外研版初中英语Module10 The weather unit3 language in use 学案.doc

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外研版初中英语Module10 The weather unit3 language in use 学案

Teaching design Subject Modal verbs Type Grammar Teacher 魏秋花 Students Students of Class 3 Time 12th,Dec. Teaching Aims Knowledge and ability objective 1. Describing the weather. 2. May, might, probably (for possibility) 3. Try to finish the exercise and homework on the weather Procedures For details please refer to the following steps Moral Objective Get the students to learn with each other and realize the importance of unity, Teaching Emphasis Master the usage of modal verbs. Difficult points Enable the students to use the modal verbs freely in both daily life and the composition. Methods Motivations, information processing, cooperative learning Step I: Lead in Show the students the song and guess words of the weather according to the picture. 设计意图: 营造课堂氛围,融洽师生关系。 Step II: learn the usage of the modal verbs . According to the sentencThen compared with the words may, might, possible, probably and possibly. 设计意图:让学生明白might是may的过去式,但表示可能性时没有很大区别,只是表示一般将来的可能性时,might比may的可能性要小。因为might和may都是情态动词,所以,他们后面应加动词原形,即might/may + do sth. possible,possibly,probably使用时应该按 以下要求表示: It is possible that .... It is possible to do sth. Subject + will probably/possibly + do sth. probably表示的可能性比possibly要大。 Step III: Exercises According to the grammar ,get the students to complete the exercise. 设计意图:通过练习,让有关天气知识和情态动词的用法得到进一步地运用和巩固。 Step IV: pairwork (创新写作)活学活用。Your classmate is not at school. use your imagination(想象力)to guess where he might be and why.(use these words to help you make up(编)a dialogue or a story.) Tips(提示词): may might probably ill get up late catch a cold or because 设计意图:让学生用自己的语言来运用知识。 Step V: Summary and Homework Homework Use the modal verb to predict what the weather will be like next week and make a report about what will you do . 设计


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