外研版初中英语 Module 7 Computers Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer课件.ppt

外研版初中英语 Module 7 Computers Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer课件.ppt

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外研版初中英语 Module 7 Computers Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer课件

Let’s enjoy our class! talk with my friends on QQ watch movies or listen to music --- What do you usually do on computers? --- I usually … play games Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer? Module 7 Computers What are they? screen [skri:n] keyboard [ki:b?:d] mouse computer [maus] What are they? printer [print?] 打印机 paper [ peip? ] print [print] 打印 Let’s play a game! 1、click the mouse [kl?k] 2、print the document 3、use the keyboard 4、connect the screen to computer [ k? nekt ] 连接 [d?kjum?nt] 文件 keyboard [ki:b?:d] mouse [maus] screen [skri:n] connect [k? nekt ] turn on learn [l?:n] document [d?kjum?nt] click [kl?k] n. 键盘 n. 鼠标; 老鼠 n. 屏幕 v. 连接 打开 v. 学;学习 n. 文件 v. 点击 Words and expressions use [ ju:z ] save[ seiv ] box [ b?x ] finally [ fain?li ] print [ print ] paper [ peip ] v. 使用 v. 保存;挽救 n. 盒子; (电脑屏幕上的框) adv. 最后 v. 打印 n. 纸 Words and expressions first next finally connect…to turn on 连接 First,________ the screen to the computer. 2. Next, _________the to the computer. 3. Finally, _________ the computer. connect keyboard connect turn on connect turn on What does Lingling want to do on the computer? 2. Can Betty use the computer? A . She wants to write her homework. B . She wants to play the computer. . C .She wants to draw on the computer. A.Yes, she can. Listen and answer. B.No , she can’t. C.We don’t know. Write your homework. Print your document. Open a new document. Save the document. Put some paper in. 2 5 1 3 Listen again and number them in order. 4 Read in class Read in roles Lucy 19:09:32 Hi, My dear sister! Are you there? How do I write my homework on the computer? Can you help me? Miss Liu: 19:09:32 Okay! It’s very easy. F____, use the mouse, c____ “new document” and o____ (5) a new document. N____ (6), you write your homework in the new document. U___ the keyboard, you click “s_____ (8)” and wr


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