外研版初中英语 Module 8 Accidents Unit 1 What did you do 教案.doc

外研版初中英语 Module 8 Accidents Unit 1 What did you do 教案.doc

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外研版初中英语 Module 8 Accidents Unit 1 What did you do 教案

Module 8 Accidents Unit 1 What did you do? 教学内容:Unit 1 What did you do? 课型:Listening and speaking 教学目标: 1. To understand conversations about accidents 2. To talk about what was happening at a specific time 3. To know how to avoid accidents 教学重难点: 1、单词和词组:round, corner, hit, glad, in time, side by side , fall off , pay attention to 2、能够。采用多媒体手段辅助教学 Step One Warming-up (3’) Lead in 1.Organize the Ss to see a video of the accidents and answer: (1)What is the movie about ? 2. Free talk: Talk something about the movie and ask the students: We should obey the traffic rules 1. See the video and try to answer the questions . 2. Talk something about the movie with the students . 让学生观看一则国外的交通安全宣传片,通过看视频回答问题引入今天的主题,通过这个环节,既可以课堂气氛,还。 Step Two Pre-task(6’) Task1:Check the new words. 1.Show some pictures and things to get the students to say out the new words. 2.Organize the students to read the new words together. 3.Play a game : What is missing ? 1.See the pictures and things to say out the new words. 2. Read the new words together. 3. .Play a game : What is missing ? 引导学生谈论图片,训练学生表达Check完词汇后玩一个单词记忆游戏,加深学生对新单词的记忆。 Step Three While-task (23’) Task2:listening (1). Play the tape, ask students to listen and underline the correct words .(Activity 2) (2).Guide the students to listen to the conversation and answer the questions (Activity 2). Task 3: Reading (1) Organize the students to look at the video to understand the conversation . (2).Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation. (3). Organize the students to compete in groups . Task 4: Solve the language points (1).Organize students to find out the language points when they are reading and then check . (2).Help the students to solve the difficult points. (1). Listen to the tape and underline the correct words. Then check . (2). Listen to the conversation and and answer the questions. Then check. (1) Look at the video . . (2) Read the conversation in groups. (3). Organize the


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