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高等教育自学考试企业经济管理专业毕 业 设 计题 目: 威讯联合半导体(北京) 有限公司的库存研究 专 业: 企业经济管理 考 号: 412111200040 考生姓名: 杜少可 指导教师: 郑云花 哈尔滨理工大学2012年8月30日威讯联合半导体(北京)有限公司库存管理的研究摘 要 保证生产的顺利进行的前提条件就是保证企业生产所需的原材料、消耗品的及时供应,但是企业又不能大量囤积货物,存货作为公司资金占有量比较大的资产,直接影响到公司的资金运转情况。库存管理的好坏也关系到公司利益的相关者,因此保证生产的顺利进行与存货的占用多少成为企业突出的矛盾。所以,必须重视库存的管理。现有的库存管理模式在企业经营过程中导致商品滞销、破损、周转周期增长、库存使用面积不足等问题,使企业经营成本居高不下,没有了竞争的优势,所以必须进行改进。本文以库存管理为主要研究方向,在相关理论的指导下,以威讯北京公司的经营为实例,首先介绍了本文研究的背景、目的及意义,归纳了库存管理的现状和相关研究成果,并对威讯北京公司作了详细的介绍;其次介绍了威讯北京公司库存管理的现状和特点,梳理了制造业库存管理存在的问题,结合公司自身的特点发现了威讯北京公司库存管理的缺点,最后结合公司自身的实际情况,提出了提高威讯北京公司库存管理水平的对策。关键词 威讯北京公司;库存管理;管理对策Analysis of Inventory Management of RF Micro Devices (Beijing) Co. LtdAbstractThe timely supply of raw materials and consumables can ensure the smooth progress of production. But the quantity of goods and materials a company hoard should be as small as possible, for inventory as a big amount of assets of company funds has a direct effect on the operation of funds. Inventory management has a direct influence upon the interests of company stakeholders directly. Thereby guaranteeing the smoothly run of production and reducing inventory become the enterprise prominent contradiction. So we must pay attention to inventory management. The existing inventory management model in enterprise management process lead to unmarketable goods, damaged goods, turnover growth and lack of warehouse space such problems which make enterprise management cost remain high and reduce competitive advantage. So inventory management should be improved. Based on the related theory, this paper analyze inventory management of RF Micro Devices (Beijing) Co. Ltd. Firstly the background, purpose and significance of Inventory Management and the detail of RF Micro Devices (Beijing) Co. Ltd was introduced also, the present situation of inventory management and related research achievements were summarized; Secondly, combined the company’s status and characteristics of inventory management with the general problems of invento


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