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X 张建伟 张效民 相敬林 ( 7 10072) , , , ; , : , , , , Research on wavelet analysis applications to underwater acoustics ZHA N G J ianw ei, ZHA N G Xiaomin , XIA N G Jinglin ( Co llege o f M ar ine Eng ineer ing, N or hw es er n Poly echnical U niv ersi y, Xian 7 10072) Considering he limi a ion of u sing F our ier ransfor m for signal ana ly sis, his paper in r oduces he . pro gr ess of w av ele analy sis and so me o f i s unique perfo rmances T w o r esearch f ields on under w a er sound . ; ar e discussed One is w ideba nd co rr ela io n pro cessing o f under w a er sound w i h w av ele s ano her one con- cer ns shipradia ed no ise analysis by means o f he per for mances of lo caliza io n and mul iscale analysis of w avele s . : , , - , , Keywords w a vele analy sis w ideba nd cor rela ion pr ocessing ship r adia ed no ise localiza io n mul iscale analysis jx 1 小波分析简介 , e , , P ( = 2) L P , 40 , L 2 , , , , , , , , L 2


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