unit 5 Meeting your ancestors-using language-listening and speaking ppt课件(新人教版高中英语选修8).ppt

unit 5 Meeting your ancestors-using language-listening and speaking ppt课件(新人教版高中英语选修8).ppt

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三星堆人类文明的奇观 发现:三星堆遗址最早发现于1929年春天。偶然的机缘,广汉中兴场(今南兴镇)月亮湾一燕氏农民在挖水沟的时候,不经意间发现了一块色彩斑澜的玉石。殊不知,一扇古蜀历史的大门因之而悄然洞开,沉睡了数千年的远古王国初露端倪,挖出的石壁、玉环、玉瑗、玉璋等珍贵文物达400余件。 “广汉玉器”从此声名鹊起,引起了文博界极大关注。 华西大学(今四川大学)博物馆教授葛维汉(美籍)及助手林名均于1933年底带领考古队进驻月亮湾,取得了大量的考古资料和文物标本。这些文物标本在很长的一段时间里, 被称为 “广汉文化遗物”。 发掘:1933年的发掘是三星堆遗址历史上第一次正式发掘,自此引发了半个世纪的三星堆遗址考古。以后的几十年里,几代考古学人相继在这块土地上不懈地耕耘探索,取得了丰硕的成果。 东、西、南三面城墙的确认,大型宫殿遗址的发掘清理以及数以万计文物的出土,尤其是1986年7月至9月间,两个大型祭祀坑的相继发现,上千件文物精品洋洋洒洒地横空出世,震惊了全国轰动了全世界。 根据半个多世纪以来考古调查发掘资料的汇集,可将三星堆遗址的文化层次分为新石器时代和夏、商、周四个大的时代。在这四个时代中,小平底陶罐、圈足陶豆、高柄豆等典型器物在不同时期的形制,  基本上反映出这一文化连续发展的关系及连贯性。 大型青铜立人像、纵目人面像、八鸟四牛尊、金杖、戴金面罩青铜人头像、青铜神树等。三星堆文物作为罕见的、集群展现的人类上古史奇珍,有许多器物是世界上独一无二的。 三星堆青铜器每一件都有其独特之处,其光怪陆离、奇异诡谲的造型不愧是稀世之珍。 Listening and Speaking Note: The age of the building depends on the number of layers it is resting on. The more layers, the more recent the building. ZH: How can you tell me how old the bones are when you find them? ZH: There are four. RL: Which layer is the first and therefore the oldest? ZH: The orange skin. RL: And which is the last and therefore the most recent? ZH: Of course – the used envelopes. I see how it works now. But how does it help? RL: Well, layers of soil are produced at different times like the layers in your wastepaper basket. Each time people live some where, they make a layer in the soil. If they live there for a long time, they make a lot of layers. Each layer has a different colour and texture which we use to find out how old it is. ZH: How splendid! ZH: Now what about radiocarbon dating? RL: This is more scientific. It uses radioactivity to measure the amount of carbon in living things. The carbon in a dead body disappears at a fixed rate. We know how long that takes, so we can measure the amount of carbon and work out how old a bone is. ZH: That’s very clever. Is it accurate too? RL: There are some problems with very old bones, so you are always given two dates. ZH: How does that work? RL: Well



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