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fade ?/ fe?d/ v 1. (cause sth to) lose colour, freshness or vigour (使某物)褪色, 凋落, 衰弱: the fading light of evening 傍晚渐暗的光 Flowers soon fade when cut. 花折下不久就会凋谢. The strong sunlight had faded the curtains. 强烈的阳光把窗帘晒得褪了色. 2. ~ (away) disappear gradually (from sight, hearing, memory, etc); become indistinct (从视野﹑听力范围﹑记忆中等)逐渐消失, 变得模糊不清: As evening came, the coastline faded into darkness. 夜晚降临时, 海岸线在黑暗中逐渐消失了. The sound of the cheering faded (away) in the distance. 欢呼声在远处逐渐消失了. All memory of her childhood had faded from her mind. 她对童年的一切记忆逐渐从脑海中消逝了. fade (sth) in/out 渐显(隐);淡入(出);淡进逐渐增强(减弱) As the program ended, their conversation was faded out. 节目结束时, 他们的谈话声也逐渐消失了. Henry was quickly laid on a bed, his arm cleaned with alcohol, and the needle inserted into his arm. Henry 很快被抱到一张床上,手臂用酒精消了毒,并且针插进了他的胳膊。 此句中 his arm cleaned with alcohol 和 the needle inserted into his arm是独立主格结构。 独立主格结构在句中作状语,有自己的逻辑主语, 表示一种伴随的动作或情况。 独立主格结构 主语 + 副词 介词短语 现在分词 过去分词 动词不定式 +其他 形容词短语 与句子相比,独立主格结构短小精干,常使句子言简意赅,也使文章的句式丰富多彩 Henry was quickly laid on a bed, his arm cleaned with alcohol. Henry was quickly laid on a bed, and his arm was cleaned with alcohol. 试比较 She lay on her back, ___________________________. 她脸朝天头枕着交叉的手躺着。 (伴随状语) _____________, she has to take care of the family. 妈妈病了,她得承担起照顾全家的责任(原因状语) her hands crossed under the head Mother being ill ____________________, we had to go to work. 钟已敲过,我们不得不去工作了。 (时间状语) The clock having struck He has been working very hard, ____________________________. 他工作一直很努力,第一部小说即将发表。 (结果状语) his first novel to be published soon _________ , the thief took a lot of things away. 没人在家,小偷偷走了很多东西。 (原因状语) Nobody in extra-terrestrial ?/ ekstr?t?ˋrestr??l/ adj of or from outside the earth and its atmosphere 地球和大气层外的; 来自天外的: extraterrestrial life, beings, forces 地球外的生命,生物﹑力量 terrestrial ?/ t?ˋrestr??l/ adj 1. of or living on land 陆地的; 陆生的; 陆栖的: the terrestrial parts of the world 地球的陆地部分 terrestrial species 陆栖种类. 2. of the planet


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