Eliptic Curve Based Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme with Known Signers英文文献.pdfVIP

Eliptic Curve Based Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme with Known Signers英文文献.pdf

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Fundamenta Informaticae 69 (2006) 411–425 411 IOS Press Eliptic Curve Based Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme with Known Signers Jacek Pomykała and Sławomir Barabasz Institute of Mathematics Warsaw University Banacha 2, 02-097 Warszawa, Poland pomykala@mimuw.edu.pl  Abstract. In the article we present a new     threshold proxy signature scheme with known sign- ers. It is based on the elliptic curve cryptosystem whose security refers to the discrete logarithm    problem (DLP) in the group   of rational points of elliptic curve over the finite field. In com- parision to similar schemes based on the RSA or DSS systems our solution requires application of significantly shorter cryptographic keys. The scheme is relatively simple in construction, has the property of unforgeability, non-repudation and admits the proactive security. Keywords: group of rational points of elliptic curve, secret sharing, discrete logarithm problem, digital signature 1. Introduction and notation Threshold signatures are motivated by the need of a group agreement on a given document (message) or the protection of signature keys from the internal or external adversaries. Basicaly they join the con- cept of threshold scheme due to Shamir [Sha 79] and digital signatures (see e.g. [RSA 78], [ElGa 85], [Sch 91]). The general notation of threshold signatures are given in [Des 87] and [DeFr 89] with appli- cation of ElGamal scheme. The common feature of such schemes based on the DLP is the interactivity and joint generation of random values by the group members. On the other hand the RSA based thresh- old signatures fi



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