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本科生毕业设计(论文)文献综述 设计 (论文)题目 作者所在系 作者所在专业 作者所在班级 作 者 姓 名 指导教师姓名 指导教师职称 完 成 时 间 2012 年 月 北华航天工业学院教务处制 说 明 1.根据学校《毕业设计(论文)工作暂行规定》,学生必须撰写毕业设计(论文)文献综述。文献综述作为毕业设计(论文)答辩委员会对学生答辩资格审查的依据材料之一。 2.文献综述应在指导教师指导下,由学生在毕业设计(论文)工作前期内完成,由指导教师签署意见并经所在专业教研室审查。 3.文献综述各项内容要实事求是,文字表达要明确、严谨,语言通顺,外来语要同时用原文和中文表达。第一次出现缩写词,须注出全称。 4.学生撰写文献综述,阅读的主要参考文献应在10篇以上(土建类专业文献篇数可酌减),其中外文资料应占一定比例。本学科的基础和专业课教材一般不应列为参考资料。 5.文献综述的撰写格式按毕业设计(论文)撰写规范的要求,字数在2000字左右。文献综述应与开题报告同时提交。 毕 业 设 计(论 文)文 献 综 述 摘要 为实现恒压供水,采用 PLC 为主控器,变频器为执行机构PID对系统中的恒压控制进行设计,并完成交频恒压供水系统的硬件和软件的设计。 关键词:恒压供水PLC 控制变频器 Abstract With the rapid development of socialistic marketing economy,there is a growing demand for better quality of water supply and higher reliability of supply system. In addition,considering the current common energy crisis, achieving the scheme of automating the water supply system. So it is an inevitable tendency to design and create an energy-saving constant-pressure water supply system of excellent performance with the help of advanced techniques of automation,monitor-control system and communication. Meanwhile, the System can also adapt to various water Supply regions. Aiming at realizing constant pressure water supply ,using the PLC as the master, inverter as the executing agency ,and the paper shows the design of constant pressure supply water controller according to PID data, and the hardware and software was developed for Frequency Constant Pressure Water Supply System. The system has initially been completed with reliable performance and excellent energy-saving effect in our country.The fact proves to possess high reliability and real-time quality, and it can not only remarkably improve the quality of water supply, but also economize on labor, which will surely bring us both economic and social benefits. Key words: constant pressure water supply ,PLC control design,inverters,PID 众所周知,水是人类生活和生产中不可缺少的一部分,没有了水可以说什么也做不了。而小区的日常供水是随着时间而变化的,因季节、昼夜相差很大,因此用水和供水的不平衡主要表现在水压土,即用水多而供水少则水压低,用水少


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