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第 32 卷 第 2 期 中 国 航 海 Vol . 32 No . 2
2009 年 6 月 N AV I GA TION O F C H IN A J un . 2009
文章编号 :1000 - 4653 (2009) 02 - 00 14 - 06
A Shipboard Remote Surveillance System
Improved by BP Neural Net works
Z H A N G Yuew en , CUI Wenbi n , W U Guit ao , S UN Peit i ng
( College of Marine Engineering , Dalian Maritime U niver sit y , Dalian 116026 , China)
Abstract : So a s to sati sfy t he requirement s for remot ely monitoring oceangoing ship s by more effective met ho ds , B P
neural network s were app lied to imp rove t he exi sting monitoring sy st em by outp utting p rewarning signal s in st ead of
failure signal s. Then t he alarm app arat u s on boar d ship s could be act uat ed , and t he relevant identification number s
were ready to be sent to t he comp anies a shore . Sub sequently , wit h t he alarm app arat u s act uat ed and t he identifica
tion number s obt ained , bot h t he ship s in t he ocean and t he comp anies ashore could gra sp t he best chance to solve t he
pot ential p roblem s. The exhau st t emp erat ure alt ering t endency of a sixcylinder diesel engine wa s p ropo sed to ana
lyze t he app lication of B P neural network s to t he ship boar d remot e surveillance sy st em . Due to it s learning abilit y ,
B P neural network s earned t he t endency ,and t he identification number of gradually ri sing exhau st t emp erat ure wa s
di stingui shed . The result indicat ed t hat B P neural network s were p racticable for
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