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导 学 案 年级Seven学科English制案人陈媛媛 刘丽英 总课时序号: 1 第1单元 第 1 节 第 1 课时 检查人(签字)        课题 Unit1 Where is your pen pal from? 教学目标 Talk about countries, nationalities and languages .  Ask and tell where people live.                                重点 Where question with from/live and what questions. 难点The use of this kind of sentences.                      导学过程(知识点可由填空、简答等形式出现,练习题注重基础、典型、有拔高题) 新 知 学 习 及 指 导 课 堂 练 习 及 检 测 教 学 反 思 Section A 一、Knowledge 1.复习一般现在时的用法: 表经常发生的动作。 eg: We go to school at seen every day. 说明目前存在的情况或状态。 eg: There are some students in the classroom. 表示主语的习惯、能力、职业、特征等等. eg: Lucy speaks English very well. 客观事实和普遍真理。 eg: The earth moves around the sun. 2.询问某人来自某地的句型:Where is/are+某人+from? 回答为:某人+am/is/are +from+某地. eg:--Where are you from? -- Where is he from? --I’m from Shanghai. --He is from Shanghai. 3.询问某人住在某地的句型:Where do/does+某人+live? 回答为:某人+live/lives +in+某地. eg: --Where do they live? --Where does he live? --They live in Shanghai. --He lives in Shanghai. 4. 常用国家名称及其国籍和语言归纳表: 国家名词 国籍(居民) 语言 China Chinese Chinese England English English Japan Japanese Japanese America American English Australia Australian English France French French Brazil Brazilian Portuguese 二、Practice 1.根据首字母完成单词。 (1)New York is in A_____. (2)We have friends all over the w____. (3)I like red very much, so my f____ color is red. (4)Do you often play s_____ after school? (5)This story is very i_____; we all like it. (6)I think Jim will come back s_____. (7)Mary w_____ to her parents every month. (8)China is a c_____ with a long history. 2.单项选择 (1)He ______ English and French. A. speaks B. tells C. says (2)Tokyo is a big ______ in the world. A. market B. city C. country (3)Toronto is in _____.A. New York B. Canada C. America (4)_____ your brother from Shanghai or Beiji



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