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科技使学习更简单 There is a time when we should heed a certain call Cause the world it seems it’s right in this line Cause there’s a chance for taking in needing our own lives It seems we need nothing at all I used to feel that I should give away my heart And it shows that fear of needing them Then I read the headlines and it said they’re dying there And it shows that we must heed instead We are the world We are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day So let’s start giving But there’s a chance we’re taking We’re taking our own lives It’s true we’ll make a brighter day just you and me Give in your heart and you will see that someone cares Cause you know that they can feed them all Than I read the paper and it said that you’ve been denied And it shows the second we will call We are the world We are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day So let’s start giving But there’s a chance we’re taking We’re taking our own lives It’s true we’ll make a brighter day just you and me No there’s a time when we must love them all And it seems that life, it don’t make love at all But if you’d be there, and I’ll love you more and more It seems in life, i didn’t do that We are the world We are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day So let’s start giving But there’s a chance we’re taking We’re taking our own lives It’s true we’ll make a brighter day just you and me 科技使学习更简单 紧张的一轮复习已经过去了一个多月 我们在努力,在成长 我们流过泪,受过伤 但我们不放弃,不绝望 只会重整旗鼓,愈战愈勇! 再没有迷茫,再不会彷徨 因为我们在一起 一起启航! 找方法,稳心态—扭转一轮! 班会要文 科技使学习更简单 高三第一次月考回顾和总结 学科学习方法分享——化学、政治 找回对学习的真心和热情! 科技使学习更简单 高三第一次月考回顾和总结 大多数的学生已经历过进入高三的第一次考试,平常考试结束后是几家欢喜几家愁,而这次却是考试不如意者十之八九。 刚考完物理,我一下懵了, 物理计算题都会, 脑子把过程分析都想好, 就是写不出 现在我看见生物,我就胃疼 学科学习方法分享—化学 科技使学习更简单 一、高考化学试题分析 学科学习方法分享—化学 科技使学习更简单 二、试题综合性的体现: 2012-13 短周期元素W、X、Y、Z的原子序数依次增大,其中W的阴离子的核外电子数与X、Y、Z原子的核外内层电子数相同。X的一种核素在教考古时常用来鉴定一些文物的年代,工业采用液态空气分馏方法来生产Y的单质,而Z不能形成双原子分子。根据以上叙述,下列说法中正确的是(   ) A.上述四种元素的原子半径大小为WXYZ B.W、X、Y、Z原子的核外最外层电子数的总和为20 C.W与Y可形成既含极性共价键又含非极性共价键的化合物 D.由W与X的化合物的沸点总低于由


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