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Speaker:Wu Liping M8450111024;6.否定的翻译;6.1全部否定;6.2 部分否定;例一:Prolonged absence of the antagonists leads to chronic spasticity of the uninvolved muscles. (absence转换为动词,译为“不起作用”) 拮抗肌长期不起作用导致腱侧肌肉的慢性退化。 例二:In many cases ,a simple cause may be responsible for failure of the ulcer to heal. 在很多病例中,某个简单的原因就可能使溃疡不能愈合。;例一:The patient, not entirely free from symptoms, is regarded as a chronic carrier. 虽然病人并非完全没有症状,他依然是一个慢性携带者。 例二:Etiological factors responsible for this cancer are far from being clear. 这种癌症的病因远未了解清楚。;例一:Dyspnea and tachypnea is seldom relieved in patients with heart failure. 心衰患者的呼吸困难或呼吸急促得到缓解是少见的。 例二:The disease is usually for short duration and is rarely serious. 通常此病病程短而且不严重。;例一:In such cases it may not be recognized unless liver function tests are given. 在这种情况下,如不做肝功能试验,可能难以确诊。 例二:The patient would have survived but that he was too weak to be operated upon. 这病人要不是因为身体太弱不能手术治疗, 本来会存活的。;例一:The old patient with pneumonia has been out of danger. 那年老的肺炎患者已脱离危险。 例二:Antibiotics are administered in all except mild, rapidly subsiding cases. 除了轻症和正在讯速好转的病例外,全部 都用抗生素。;例一:Great care must be taken to prevent the evaluation of a biopsy from being in error, since a misdiagnosis can have extremely serious consequences. 活组织检查的判断务必十分仔细以免错误, 因为误诊后可能极其严重。 例二:His illness is anything but mild. 他患的决非轻症;6.4 双重否定;例一:We do not deny that misdiagnosis do occur occasionally.我们并不否认偶尔确有误诊。 例二:However, it is not without shortcoming and further improvement have yet to be made. 然而,它并非没有不足之处,还有待进一步改进。;6.5 否定的转移;例一:We don’t believe that both hepatic and splenetic flexures need necessarily be removed as a routine in the treatment of all cancers of the transverse colon. (意义上否定宾语从句)我们认为,将结肠肝曲和脾曲都予切除并非治疗一切横结肠癌所必须的常规手术。 例二:I don’t think it worthwhile giving the patient another transfusion. (意义上否定宾语补足语。)我认为不必 再给病人输血。;7.被动语态的翻译;7.1 译成汉语主动句;(2)不改动原文的句子结构,直接转换成主动语态。这类句子的主语经常是无生命的事物,而行为者又不十分明确。 例一:Solution to the problem was ultimately found. 这个问题的解决方法终于找到了/ 终于找到这个问题的解决方法。 例二:Specific immunity


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