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湖北汽车工业学院科技学院 毕业设计(论文) 课题名称: 湖北能源集团股份有限公司 财务风险问题的研究 指导老师: XX 学生姓名: XX 班 级: XX 学 号: XX 专 业: 财务管理 时间:2013年 6月 摘要 改革开放以来,中国的经济迅速腾飞,在与世界接轨的过程中,中国的经济已经转变为市场经济为主导,国家宏观调控为辅的发展模式。在这种经济发展模式下,企业自主经营,企业在生存发展过程中,面临着各种各样的风险,包括财务风险,这些风险更多的需要企业自己解决。本文主要研究企业的财务风险,研究企业财务管理过程中财务风险产生的原因,针对性地提出财务风险防范控制措施,为企业财务风险防范控制提供借鉴意义。 本文在广泛阅读财务风险相关文献的基础上,总结前人的理论知识,结合湖北能源集团股份有限公司的财务状况,分析其筹资风险。采用指标分析法分析其偿债能力,用财务杠杆原理分析其负债经营的合理性,以及资本结构的合理性,最后得出相关结论,并且提出合理性建议。 本文涉及财务风险的概念,成因,特征以及防范控制措施。结合具体的案例分析,通过相关财务指标的分析计算,得出企业财务风险的成因,提出合理的解决方案。最后,建立财务风险预警机制,预防财务风险给企业带来更大的危机。 关键词:财务风险;财务风险防范控制;财务杠杆 Abstract Since Chinas reform and opening up, Chinas economic are take-off rapidly,in the process of convergence with the world,Chinas economy has been transformed into a market economy as the leading factor, the development of the national macroeconomic regulation and control is complementary pattern. Under this economic development mode,enterprises to solve their own things independently, in the process of enterprises survival and development,enterprises will face all sorts of risks,including financial risks,these risks are more need independently solved by enterprises .This paper mainly studies the financial risk of the enterprise,research the causes of financial risk in the process of the enterprise financial management , and puts forward control measures to prevent financial risks,in order to provide reference for the enterprise to prevention and control financial risk . This paper is based on the widely read financial risk on the basis of related literature,summing up predecessors theory of knowledge,combined with the financial situation of the Hubei energy group co., LTD., analyzes its funding risk. Using index analysis method to analyze its solvency, using financial leverage principle to analyze the rationality of its indebtedness,and the


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